Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety Resources for Primary Schools

To more effectively support our learners with their online lives it is important to understand their behaviour as consumption, creation or communication. The apps and platforms they use may be ever-changing but their behaviours are not. Understanding the behaviour will help educators make more effective use of our Teacher Toolkit which has ideas, information and resources to support with cyber resilience learning and teaching.

Monkey Cow read-along for Early and First level learners

cyber resilience: recognise react recover

Passwords are really important because they tell our accounts and devices that it is us accessing them and stops others from accessing them – like the key to your front door.

Learners should RECOGNISE the need for passwords (and other security features, such as face and fingerprint recognition). The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) recommends passwords should be made of three random words.

Learners should be able to REACT to any threats to their device or account, including phishing, hacking or malware.

Finally, they should know how to RECOVER their account or device from any potential cyber attack, including running antivirus on devices, resetting passwords for accounts, and backing up and restoring accounts or devices.

internet safety: safe smart kind

Learners should be aware of the behaviour of others and themselves online. Teachers should promote positive behaviours and discussing how learners may develop these, while supporting them to overcome challenges they face online.

Learners should be SAFE when online. In order to do this they need to understand the potential risks to their safety, such as grooming, harassment or threatening behaviour. 

Learners should be SMART online. They should be aware of scams, consider how much personal information they share online, and be developing confidence to question online media.

Finally, they should be KIND to others online. It is more likely that learners have been exposed to unkind behaviour online and tackling this should lead them to identifying more positive behaviours and also how to deal with cyberbullying, griefing, trolling and other online behaviours.

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