Teacher Digital Literacy framework document (DRAFT)

Teacher Digital Literacy framework document

The framework outlines the digital literacy skills, knowledge and understanding a teacher requires to deliver high-quality learning experiences for all children and young people. It highlights the importance of highly skilled staff who work with children, young people and others to ensure learning is motivating and meaningful.


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The framework will allow teachers to gather evidence within the GTC Scotland’s Standard for career-long professional learning, and to have an enhanced and critically informed understanding of:

  • pedagogical and learning theories and professional practice
  • digital technologies to support learning
  • curriculum design
  • digital technologies to support learning
  • the value of learning beyond curricular areas and cross curricular subjects such as literacy, numeracy, health and wellbeing, learning for sustainability, and digital literacy
  • the skills and competencies that comprise teacher digital literacy
  • how to embed digital technologies to enhance teaching and learning
  • the learning context
  • how to organise and manage learning