Managing digital identity

Cyber Resilience and Internet Safety Home

Practitioners should be able:

  • to create and manage one or multiple digital identities (separate work and personal)
  • to be able to protect one’s own reputation
  • to deal with the data that one produces through several digital tools, environments and services. 

Support and Examples

The Common Sense digital citizenship program will look at digital footprint and other topics such as new & media literacy.

Hide My Email lets you create unique random email addresses to use with apps, websites and more so your personal email address can stay private. It’s built in to Sign in with Apple and iCloud+

This information guide from the National Parent Forum of Scotland is for parents and carers.

It’s clear that what we post online can have a real impact on our lives offline. This site helps you understand the long-lasting effects of what you share and empowering you to take control of how your online reputation is created. Created by This resource is designed to help young people manage their online identity and the understand the Importance of a good online reputation.

Also, provides information about how to deactivate/delete old social media accounts.  This will enable young people to stay in control of their digital footprint as they move onto new social media platforms 

ThinkUKnow will help you understand how leaners socialising online and how these form part of their digital footprint.


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