Browsing, searching and filtering data, information and digital content

Information and Data Literacy Home

Practitioners should be able:

  • to articulate information needs, to search for data, information and content in digital environments; to access them and to navigate between them

  • to create and update personal search strategies

  • to be able to evaluate content to understand whether you have the right to use it and how to search for free to use content.

Support and Resources

Register with the Intellectual Property Office and explore the resources to help educators understand intellectual property, copyright, trademarks and designs.

The iDEA awards and badges are for anyone.  You may find the undertaking the iDEA award yourself will develop your understanding and knoweldge of a number of aspects of digital, including data and infomration use.  

The Information Commissioners Office provides support for schools in relation to takig photos, pupil information and lesson plans 

Approaches to Childrens Data Protection PDF download from 5RightsFoundation 

Data Education in Schools The Data Education in Schools project is part of the Edinburgh and South East Scotland City Region Deal Skills Programme, funded by the Scottish Government. The project will be developing an interdisciplinary data education curriculum for Scotland and a set of engaging real world data science teaching materials for primary and secondary school teachers.

Better Searching

How do search engines work? This short piece of learning illustrates how search engines like Google work.

How to search on Google Learn a few tips and tricks to help you easily find information on Google

5 Must-Have Google Search Tips from Common Sense Education is useful reference for more effective web searching. 

10 Web Search Tips from Lifewire

Google Advanced Search provides users with more opportunities to search and filter the web

Evaluating Online Resources a short article about evaluating content from the web

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