Scotland’s curriculum – Curriculum for Excellence (CfE) – helps  children and young people gain the knowledge, skills and attributes needed for life in the 21st century. A refreshed narrative on Scotland’s curriculum, which sets CfE within the current context, was published in September 2019. It is available in both English and in Gaelic.

In Partnership with Education Scotland, the MVP programme has been linked with Curriculum for Excellence. The activities in the sessions contribute to the following experiences and outcomes.  Individual MVP Session include information on the relevant experiences and outcomes for that session.


Mental and Emotional Wellbeing

I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them.
HWB 0-01a / HWB 1-01a / HWB 2-01a / HWB 3-01a / HWB 4-01a
I know that we all experience a variety of thoughts and emotions that affect how we feel and behave and I am learning ways of managing them.
HWB 0-02a / HWB 1-02a / HWB 2-02a / HWB 3-02a / HWB 4-02a
I understand that there are people I can talk to and that there are a number of ways in which I can gain access to practical and emotional support to help me and others in a range of circumstances.
HWB 0-03a / HWB 1-03a / HWB 2-03a / HWB 3-03a / HWB 4-03a
I understand that my feelings and reactions can change depending upon what is happening within and around me. This helps me to understand my own behaviour and the way others behave.
HWB 0-04a / HWB 1-04a / HWB 2-04a / HWB 3-04a / HWB 4-04a
I know that friendship, caring, sharing, fairness, equality and love are important in building positive relationships. As I develop and value relationships, I care and show respect for myself and others.
HWB 0-05a / HWB 1-05a / HWB 2-05a / HWB 3-05a / HWB 4-05a
I understand that people can feel alone and can be misunderstood and left out by others. I am learning how to give appropriate support.
HWB 0-08a / HWB 1-08a / HWB 2-08a / HWB 3-08a / HWB 4-08a

Social Wellbeing

As I explore the rights to which I and others are entitled, I am able to exercise these rights appropriately and accept the responsibilities that go with them. I show respect for the rights of others.
HWB 0-09a / HWB 1-09a / HWB 2-09a / HWB 3-09a / HWB 4-09a
I recognise that each individual has a unique blend of abilities and needs. I contribute to making my school community one which values individuals equally and is a welcoming place for all.
HWB 0-10a / HWB 1-10a / HWB 2-10a / HWB 3-10a / HWB 4-10a
I make full use of and value the opportunities I am given to improve and manage my learning and, in turn, I can help to encourage learning and confidence in others.
HWB 0-11a / HWB 1-11a / HWB 2-11a / HWB 3-11a / HWB 4-11a
Representing my class, school and/or wider community encourages my self-worth and confidence and allows me to contribute to and participate in society.
HWB 0-12a / HWB 1-12a / HWB 2-12a / HWB 3-12a / HWB 4-12a
Through contributing my views, time and talents, I play a part in bringing about positive change in my school and wider community.
HWB 0-13a / HWB 1-13a / HWB 2-13a / HWB 3-13a / HWB 4-13a
I value the opportunities I am given to make friends and be part of a group in a range of situations.
HWB 0-14a / HWB 1-14a / HWB 2-14a / HWB 3-14a / HWB 4-14a

Physical Wellbeing

I am learning to assess and manage risk, to protect myself and others, and to reduce the potential for harm when possible.
HWB 0-16a / HWB 1-16a / HWB 2-16a / HWB 3-16a / HWB 4-16a
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and others safe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations.
HWB 0-17a / HWB 1-17a / HWB 2-17a / HWB 3-17a / HWB 4-17a
I know and can demonstrate how to travel safely.
HWB 0-18a / HWB 1-18a / HWB 2-18a / HWB 3-18a / HWB 4-18a

Substance Misuse

I know that the use of alcohol and drugs can affect behaviour and the decisions that people make about relationships and sexual health.
HWB 3-41b / HWB 4-41b
I can show ways of getting help in unsafe situations and emergencies.
HWB 0-42a
I know how to react in unsafe situations and emergencies.
HWB 1-42a
I know of actions I can take to help someone in an emergency.
HWB 2-42a
I know the action I should take in the management of incidents and emergencies related to substance misuse.
HWB 3-42a / HWB 4-42a

Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood

I understand positive things about friendships and relationships but when something worries or upsets me I know who I should talk to.
HWB 0-44b / HWB 1-44b
I am aware that positive friendships and relationships can promote health and the health and wellbeing of others.
HWB 2-44bb
I understand and can explain the importance of, and need for, commitment, trust and respect in loving and sexual relationships. I understand the different contexts of such relationships including marriage.
HWB 3-44c / HWB 4-44c
I recognise that power can exist within relationships and can be used positively as well as negatively.
HWB 3-45a / HWB 4-45a
I am aware of the need to respect personal space and boundaries and can recognise and respond appropriately to verbal and non-verbal communication.
HWB 0-45b / HWB 1-45b / HWB 2-45b / HWB 3-45b / HWB 4-45b
I reflect on my attitudes, beliefs, values and morality can influence my decisions about friendships, relationships and sexual behaviour.
HWB 3-46a / HWB 4-46a
I know that popular culture, the media and peer pressure can influence how I feel about myself and the impact this may have on my actions.
HWB 3-46b / HWB 4-46b
I am developing skills for making decisions about my relationships and sexual behaviour. I am able to apply these to situations that may be challenging or difficult.
HWB 3-46c / HWB 4-46c
I am learning about respect for my body and what behaviour is right and wrong. I know who I should talk to if I am worried about this.
HWB 0-49a / HWB 1-49a
I know that all forms of abuse are wrong and I am developing the skills to keep myself safe and get help if I need it.
HWB 2-49a
I know how to manage situations concerning my sexual health and wellbeing and am learning to understand what is appropriate sexual behaviour.
HWB 3-49a / HWB 4-49a
I know where to get support and help with situations involving abuse and I understand that there are laws which protect me from different kinds of abuse.
HWB 3-49b / HWB 4-49b


Listening and Talking

As I listen and talk in different situations, I am learning to take turns and am developing my awareness of when to talk and when to listen.
LIT 0-02a / ENG 0-03a
When I engage with others, I know when and how to listen, when to talk, how much to say, when to ask questions and how to respond with respect.
LIT 1-02a
When I engage with others I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, show that I value others’ contributions and use these to build on thinking.
LIT 2-02a
When I engage with others, I can make a relevant contribution, encourage others to contribute and acknowledge that they have a right to hold a different opinion. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role and use contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.
LIT 3-02a
When I engage with others I can make a relevant contribution, ensure that everyone has an opportunity to contribute and encourage them to take account of others’ points of view or alternative solutions. I can respond in ways appropriate to my role, exploring and expanding on contributions to reflect on, clarify or adapt thinking.
LIT 4-02a
I am exploring how ace, gesture, expression, emphasis and choice of words are used to engage others, and I can use what I learn.
ENG 1-03a
I can recognise how the features of spoken language can help in communication, and I can use what I learn. I can recognise different features of my own and others’ spoken language.
ENG 2-03a
Having explored and analysed the features of spoken language, I can use these, adopting an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.
ENG 3-03a
Having explored and analysed the features of spoken language, I can use these independently, adopting and sustaining an appropriate register to suit my purpose and audience.
ENG 4-03a

Finding and Using Information

I listen or watch for useful or interesting information and I sue this to make choices or learn new things.
LIT 0-04a
As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, key words and main ideas of the text, and use this information for a specific purpose.
LIT 1-04a
As I listen or watch, I can identify and discuss the purpose, main ideas and supporting detail contained within the text, and use this information for different purposes.
LIT 2-04a
As I listen or watch, I can identify and give an accurate account of the purpose and main concerns of the text, and can make inferences from key statements, identify and discuss similarities and differences between different types of text and use this information for different purposes.
LIT 3-04a
As I listen or watch, I can clearly state the purpose and main concerns of a text, and can make inferences from key statements, compare and contrast different types of text and gather, link and use information from different sources and use this for different purposes.
LIT 4-04a
I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in a logical sequence and use words which will be interesting and/or useful for others.
LIT 1-06a
I can select ideas and relevant information, organise these in an appropriate way for my purpose and use suitable vocabulary for my audience.
LIT 2-06a
I can independently select ideas and relevant information for different purposes, organise essential information or ideas and any supporting detail in a logical order, and use suitable vocabulary to communicate effectively with my audience.
LIT 3-06a / LIT 4-06a

Understanding, Analysing and Evaluating

To help me understand stories and other texts, I ask questions and link what I am learning with what I already know.
LIT 0-07a / LIT 0-16a / ENG 0-17a
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to and asking different kinds of questions.
LIT 1-07a
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by responding to literal, inferential, evaluative and other types of questions, and by asking different kinds of questions of my own.
LIT 2-07a
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by commenting, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts.
LIT 3-07a
I can show my understanding of what I listen to or watch by giving detailed, evaluative comments, with evidence, on the content and form of short and extended texts.
LIT 4-07a

Creating Texts

Within real and imaginary situations, I share experiences and feelings, ideas and information in a way that communicates my message.
LIT 0-09a
When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can exchange information, experiences, explanations, ideas and opinions, and clarify points by asking questions or by asking others to say more.
LIT 1-09a
When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can: share information, experiences and opinions; explain processes and ideas; identify issues raised and summarise main points or findings; and clarify points by asking questions or by asking others to say more.
LIT 2-09a
When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can: communicate information, ideas or opinions; explain processes, concepts or ideas; and identify issues raised, summarise findings or draw conclusions.
LIT 3-09a
When listening and talking with others for different purposes, I can: communicate detailed information, ideas or opinions; explain processes, concepts or ideas with some relevant supporting detail; and sum up ideas, issues, findings or conclusions.
LIT 4-09a
As I listen and take part in conversations and discussions, I discover new words and phrases which I use to help me express my ideas, thoughts and feelings.
LIT 0-10a
As I listen and take part in conversations and discussions, I discover new words and phrases which I use to help me express my ideas, thoughts and feelings.
LIT 0-10a
I can communicate clearly when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning, using selected resources as required.
LIT 1-10a
I am developing confidence when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning. I can communicate in a clear, expressive way and I am learning to select and organise resources independently.
LIT 2-10a / LIT 3-10a
I can communicate in a clear, expressive manner when engaging with others within and beyond my place of learning, and can independently select and organise appropriate resources as required.
LIT 4-10a


To help me develop an informed view, I can recognise the difference between fact and opinion.
LIT 1-18a
To help me develop an informed view, I can identify and explain the difference between fact and opinion, recognise when I am being influenced, and have assessed how useful and believable my sources are.
LIT 2-18a
To help me develop an informed view, I am exploring the techniques used to influence my opinion. I can recognise persuasion and assess the reliability or information and credibility and value my sources.
LIT 3-18a
To help me develop an informed view, I can recognise persuasion and bias, identify some of the techniques used to influence my opinion, and assess the reliability of information and credibility and value of my sources.
LIT 4-18a


I explore sounds, letters and words, discovering how they work together, and I can use what I learn to help me as I read or write.
ENG 0-12a / LIT 0-13a / LIT 0-21a
I can spell the most commonly-used words, using my knowledge of letter patterns and spelling rules and use resources to help me spell tricky or unfamiliar words.
LIT 1-21a
I can spell most of the words I need to communicate, using spelling rules, specialist vocabulary, self-correction techniques and a range of resources.
LIT 2-21a
I can use a range of strategies and resources and spell most of the words I need to use, including specialist vocabulary, and ensure that my spelling is accurate.
LIT 3-21a
I can use a range of strategies and resources independently and ensure that my spelling, including specialist vocabulary, is accurate.
LIT 4-21a
I can write independently, use appropriate punctuation and order and link my sentences in a way that makes sense.
LIT 1-22a
In both short and extended texts, I can use appropriate punctuation, vary my sentence structures and divide my work into paragraphs in a way that makes sense to my reader.
LIT 2-22a
As appropriate to my purpose and type of text, I can punctuate and structure different types of sentences with sufficient accuracy, and arrange these to make meaning clear, showing straightforward relationships between paragraphs.
LIT 3-22a / LIT 4-22a

Numeracy and Information Handling

I have explored a variety of ways in which data is presented and can ask and answer questions about the information it contains.
MNU 1-20a
Having discussed the variety of ways and range of media used to present data, I can interpret and draw conclusions from the information displayed, recognising that the presentation may be misleading.
MNU 2-20a
I can work collaboratively, making appropriate use of technology, to source information presented in a range of ways, interpret what it conveys and discuss whether I believe the information to be robust, vague or misleading.
MNU 3-20a
I can evaluate and interpret raw and graphical data using a variety of methods, comment on relationships I observe within the data and communicate my findings to others.
MNU 4-20a

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