Session 7 – 01/11/16

This week the morning lecture opened with a detailed description of the a unique orchestra that was coming in to perform for us. The presentation informed that the Greenmill Primary School strings project will be first performing for us before we each sit one on one with a pupil to learn some basic string skills. I was both very nervous and excited at the idea of learning some string skills. I discovered that this particular group were very successful performing in front of even Prince Philip. After the morning lecture I watched the school perform excellently. It was impressive to see children so young behave and act in such a  mature way. I was further impressed with their behaviour and skill when sitting down for tuition from one of the pupils. I was paired with a cellist who very nicely explained to me the different strings and frets with helpful acronyms. I thoroughly enjoyed this section as I was able to perform in time with the rest of the orchestra. I asked my pupil if learning the cello had helped her in school at all. Most surprisingly she informed me of the two other instruments she plays and said that it does especially with maths. Musics ability to aid pupils in maths is well documented with such skills of being able to more easily recognise and use patterns or improving their general counting skills(3 benefits of music on early math skills, 2013).

Below is a picture of the class preparing to perform



During the second session of the day I received an input on drama. During this session I learned about a story called the tunnel revolving round a brother and sister who learn to get along through enduring the fear of a mysterious tunnel. At the midpoint of the book we stopped and wrote our thoughts inside a body outline representing the boy in my groups case. Inside we wrote what the boy thought about his current situation where as on the outside of the body we wrote what others would think about his current situation e.g. his parents and sister. This activity is called role on the wall and allows children to improve their literacy skills whilst at the same time improving their empathetic abilities as they are encouraged to other peoples perspective (Using Theatre and Drama to Increase Empathy in Students, 2014).


The lecturer also described the micro teaching task we would have to perform next week. We were informed that we should lead several drama activities and base them on a book.


3 benefits of music on early math skills (2013) [Online] Available: [Accessed 8 January 2017].

Using Theatre and Drama to Increase Empathy in Students (2014) [Online] Available: [Accessed 8 January 2017].

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