Tag Archives: tone

Day 10 of Spring Break – TONE QUESTIONS – Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation

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Read the extract and for each decide what tone is being used, listing the words/phrases which helped you. 2

1. He walked into the immense cathedral, looked down the length of his nose and simply sniffed, proclaiming a tiny ‘humph’, before just glancing around. The golden coloured alter, with intricate brass carving he dismissed as ‘brass and stuff’. The flowers he shrugged at, before turning on his heels, unimpressed and bored.

2. Gosh, you won’t believe what I’ve done now. How could anyone have been so stupid? After the last time you’d have thought I’d have known better, wouldn’t you?

3. I just couldn’t believe the nerve of the man, and my face reddens whenever I think of it. How dare he speak to me like that, with such a condescending tone of voice. Who gave him the right to treat anyone like that? He really made my blood boil.

Day 4 of Spring Break – TONE QUESTION – Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation

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This passage is about parenting.

Identify the tone of the paragraphs and explain how this tone is created. (3)

I am fed up listening to scaremongers talking about the E-coli virus, telling me my child should never visit a farm or come into contact with animals.  I am very weary of organisations that are dedicated to promulgating the idea that threats and dangers to children lurk everywhere.  I am sick of charities who on the one have attack overprotective parents and at the same time say children should never be left unsupervised in public places.