Tag Archives: sentence structure

Day 6 of Spring Break – SENTENCE STRUCTURE QUESTIONS– Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation

Answer in comments below for feedback 🙂

Think about the type of sentence used; length; punctuation; repetition; parenthesis; narrative point of view; list; climax; inversion, etc.

Identify two features of sentence structure from the paragraph above which mark a shift in the writer’s line of thought. (2)

“The problem here is political will rather than financial capacity.  The pinch will come in other resource areas, such as health spending.  People over 65 consume three times as many prescription items as other age groups.  Nearly half those with some measure of disability are over 70.

But the resource question, meeting the material needs of the old and elderly, is only half the story.  The real problem lies elsewhere – in the imagination.  What are the old for?  Who are they, and do the traditional divisions of human life into childhood, youth, middle age and old age still fit our experience?”


Day 5 of Spring Break – SENTENCE STRUCTURE – Reading for Understanding, Analysis and Evaluation

Answer in comments below for feedback 🙂

Explain how the author uses sentence structure to create an impression of how John felt about his life on the farm. (4)

Monotony. There’s the perfect word! The monotony of John’s day cannot be over-exaggerated. Endless chores were issued to him by his authoritarian father. Work was the norm: play was long forgotten.

Feeding the pigs, milking the cows, scrubbing the floor of the barn, repairing the forever crumbling walls, weeding the garden (which surrounded their massive farmhouse), fetching supplies from the market, preparing lunch for the agricultural labourers – that was on an exciting day!

He hated the sound of his father’s voice. He hated the knock on his bedroom door, which announced another tortuous day was beginning. He hated the wind, which almost knocked him off his feet, as he emerged to face the elements once more. Escape. He needed to get out of there – but where could he go?