Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

April 29, 2021
by K. Cameron

Welcome to our Milngavie EYC community!

At Milngavie EYC, we have always benefitted tremendously from the help of our wonderful parents.  In pre-covid days, we enjoyed welcoming parents who shared their talent and skills with craft activities, baking, reading stories and accompanying us on outings which allowed us to explore our rich local environment.  The Pandemic  brought an abrupt stop to all of  this.

However, during lockdown we had incredible support and help from a nursery dad, Eric Avenier, who worked very hard to transform our tired garden space and replace lots of rotting wood, creating a beautiful and exciting area for our children to return to.  They love all the special things he has made for them and our garden is the most popular place in our nursery for children and staff alike.

We would love any help that parents might be able to give us, maintaining our garden or helping us plant up our garden with the wee plants we have seeded in the polytunnel.

Families can get involved in helping with our orchard at the Orchard Family Work Days.  We had the first of these since lock down, just last week and were so grateful for the number of families who turned up to help us moving compost, clearing areas and planting seeds and plants to encourage butterflies, bees and other insects and bugs.  Details of these days are put on the blog and on the Milngavie Orchard Project Facebook Page.  They are a great way of meeting other families and getting involved in the life of the school and nursery.

We also would welcome help from anyone who could help us maintain our bikes.

If you love reading stories we would love you to make a video of you reading one and send it to us.  Email for details on how best to send this.  We can play your video on the big screen and I know that your child would just love to have you read their favourite story to their friends.

We would also love to hear any ideas you would have for bringing your skills into nursery.  Perhaps you could make us up a story bag for putting in our lending library (when we can re-open it).  Perhaps you can make some clothes for our poor wee naked babies which at the moment, are taken out in the scud in all weathers!  Perhaps you have fund raising skills which you could share with us to raise some money to buy new resources for our nursery, or ideas about improving the outside of our building.

You could also recycle your boxes, cartons, etc every week into our junk modelling boxes, which are always in need of new junk.  Be prepared to bring some of it home again, transformed into wonderful creations which your wee one has spent time, energy, imagination, not forgetting their problem solving skills, building for you.

There are lots of ways to be involved.  We love feedback – it helps us plan and improve on what we do.  You can leave us feedback by liking or commenting on blog posts, either on the blog directly or on  our FaceBook page.  Please tell us what you think.

April 29, 2021
by K. Cameron

Blog updates- we would love your feedback!!!

Over the next couple of weeks we are updating the layout of our blog.  The categories at the side of the news feed will be updated to include current information on our current staff, family learning and parental support, planning in the moment approach, curriculum, school and nursery holiday calendars etc.   These categories make our blog easier to navigate and they are permanently there for reference.  If there is anything you would like included as a permanent feature of our blog, please can you let us know and we will create a category for it.

On the in-service day next Thursday we have been asked to give a short presentation to our EDC colleagues on how we use our blog.   We would really appreciate any comments you have about our blog – do you find it useful, do you enjoy reading it, or could we improve it for you?  Comments can be made on our blog page or our Facebook page.  We would be very grateful for your opinions.

April 28, 2021
by K. Cameron

Nursery Closed on Monday May 3rd and Thursday May 6th 2021

Just a wee reminder that our centre is closed for the May Holiday on 3rd May.   Staff are having an in-service day on Thursday 6th May – the day of the Scottish Parliamentary elections, and our centre will be closed then too.

We are hoping that the weather warms up a little and we can all enjoy a sunny Spring holiday. 

April 26, 2021
by K. Cameron

Update on our Coffee and Chat – Transition arrangements and graduations


Many thanks to everyone who came along to the online coffee session last Wednesday.  It was lovely to see so many of you on screen and actually have a bit of a catch-up.  We discussed our pre-schoolers’ transition to Primary 1.  Some of our parents have had the opportunity to visit the Infant Building in the school, for a guided tour with Mrs Stillwell and Mr Graham. If you did not manage to book an appointment to do this, you, and your child, will be welcome to visit on our next in-service day – Thursday 6th May.  Please phone the school office 955-2251 to book a time for your visit.  Our pre-schoolers had an opportunity to visit the Primary 1 classrooms and Active Learning Zone during the Easter Holidays when nursery was open, but the school was not.  The children really enjoyed this visit and came back full of excitement and enthusiasm.  We will be repeating this again over the school’s summer holidays and if your child did not go over in the Easter break there will be more opportunities to get to know the layout of the school building, then.

We traditionally have a joint active learning project which our pre-school children take part in along with the Primary 1 classes.  This year we will not be able to meet up as we are all in our own bubbles, however we have devised a way to take part in collaborative learning, by doing the same activities and investigating the same subjects, then meeting up on Teams to share our learning.  While not ideal, it still allows us to have contact and see each other.  We are going to become explorers and research the lifecycles of butterflies, frogs and sunflowers, watching their development in our classrooms/playrooms, in the garden pond and in the polytunnel.  We are going to have great fun and learn lots!  Look out for news and photos of our learning on your Learning Journal and in the blog.

One of our mum’s asked if there was any chance of having some Forest Kindergarten sessions in this last term as her son had really been looking forward to them.  Unfortunately we will not be able to offer the session a week for 6 weeks we did pre-covid, but we do intend to take groups of our pre-school children for some Forest Play adventures over the next two months.

We also discussed graduation.  At present our plan for graduation is to have a separate wee event for each of our playroom bubbles.  We are really hoping that the infection rate continues to fall and that we will be able to invite parents for this special celebration.  Dates will be confirmed this week and we will keep our fingers and toes crossed!  Should this prove impossible, we will record a wee graduation video for every pre-school child.

Thanks again to all who managed along- apologies for the less than slick presentational style.  Though I have been to loads of them, I have never hosted a Teams chat before! Hopefully I can only get better!!!! Thanks for your patience and good humour!  Hope to see you again soon!

April 26, 2021
by K. Cameron

Working on Emotional Intelligence

Lisa Smith, one of our Support for Learning Assistants, has been exploring emotions with the children in the Rainbow playroom.  It has been extremely worthwhile in increasing the children’s awareness of reading body language and anticipating how someone might be feeling, to build empathy with others.  We have seen lots of different types of faces as we have role played, drawn and modelled how different emotions look.  It has been lots of fun and made us think carefully about how we feel at different times.  Here are some of Lisa’s posts with some great comments from the children:


Today we drew different facial features on paper, and used these to make various expressions and feeling faces. This helps the children to think about how they may be feeling at certain times, and encourages them to identify many different emotions they may experience. The children enjoyed making lots of silly faces with this activity, and lots of fun was had chatting about when we might have a very silly face. For some of the children I asked them to make a face correlating to a particular feeling, and then look in the mirror at their own face to see the sort of shapes their features were in.
Iona ‘ I am sad when I get in trouble’
Emma ‘ I am happy when I am at nursery and I can play with Zara’
Arabella ‘ If my big cousin Ellie was coming for a sleepover I would be surprised’
Using homemade playdough we were exploring feelings and facial expressions today. We made a variety of facial expressions together using the playdough, and then chatted about times where we might have feelings of happiness, excitement, sadness, worry and surprise. We also started to explore the sensations we may have in our bodies when we have those emotions.
Many of the children had a good understanding of situations where they may feel differing emotions.
‘I would have a surprised face if I got a present not for my birthday’  – Sophie
I would have a worried face if my baby crosses the road by itself’ – Callum
”I am happy when I play with my friends at nursery’ – Iona

April 20, 2021
by K. Cameron

Orchard Family Work Day on Sunday

On Sunday there is a family work day scheduled, between 1pm and 3pm.    We are planting up big banks of wild flowers and putting in plants, to encourage biodiversity in our amazing outdoor space.  Everyone is welcome to come along – there are jobs for all ages and abilities, and there is enough space for us all to socially distance.

Because of Covid, we are asking if you to bring your own tools – spades, trowels, gloves etc. to reduce any chance of transmission of germs.

We are also asking, very politely, if our lovely parents might donate some wild flower seeds for us to sow on Sunday.  We have no budget at all for gardening just now and are relying on the amazing generosity of our school community.  The orchard is looking beautiful – Anne, Eric and Sheena have been gardening over the holidays and new growing areas have been created out of the steep banks left by the pitch installation.  Anne is a Brown Owl and her Brownie pack planted lots of wild flowers and plants last night that Anne had seeded in her own garden for us.

We would also be grateful for any ground spreading plants and small bushes you might be able to bring us.

If you are new to nursery and have not had a chance to explore our orchard yet, you can check us out on our Milngavie Orchard Project Facebook page which gives the story of how we created it. Our orchard is a real asset to our school and nursery – a beautiful space which will soon be producing lots of different home grown organic fruits for our children to enjoy.

Garden days are traditionally good fun – we will need to socially distance from each other just now, but it is still a great way to feel involved in the school community and do our bit for the planet!  We’d love to see you there!

April 15, 2021
by Ms C McMenemy

NEW Family Learning Programme (PEEP) – Online!

We are delighted to introduce our new Family Learning Programme (online sessions). The Learning Together (PEEP) programme will be delivered by Julie Bannerman starting on Tuesday 11 May! See the poster below and click on the link below for more details!

Go to this Sway

April 14, 2021
by Ms C McMenemy

Parent Coffee Morning (online) Wednesday 21st April 10:15-10:45

We are having an online coffee morning for parents next Wednesday at 10:15 – 10:45. This informal session is an opportunity for parents to get together to catch-up.

All welcome – however please note this session will be particularly relevant to families with children moving to P1 in August as we will highlight some key elements of our transition programme and paperwork.

For more information or to sign up to be involved please email

April 13, 2021
by Ms C McMenemy

Feelings faces!

Recently we have been learning about feelings and emotions. The children enjoyed talking about how they feel, practising facial expressions and using words to describe emotions. During some outdoor activities with our Early Years Support Worker Lisa, children gathered various items from our orchard and garden and used these for transient art with a focus on feelings. We highlighted lots of different feelings, shared some of our feelings and acknowledged that all feelings are okay. The children named lots of different feelings. They had a great time looking in the mirror at their facial expressions – there were some very interesting and entertaining faces! We also discussed the different sensations in our bodies caused by different feelings. We discussed what sort of feelings might arise in different situations and how we can look after our feelings and our friends’ feelings too. The children had lots of fun with this task and showed a good understanding of core emotions


April 13, 2021
by Ms C McMenemy

Parenting advice – Night terrors

At Milngavie EYC we understand that parenting can be challenging and our Family Champion (Julie) is always available (currently online or via telephone call) to share parenting top tips to tackle a range of issues. Following positive feedback from families about our bedtime routine post and in response to requests for information on night terrors Julie has prepared the short note below.  


Night terror – what are they?

Night terrors are very common in children between the ages of 3 – 8. Nightmares occur during light sleep and can be recalled by your child however night terrors happen during deep and children can have no memory of them. Night terrors can be caused by an over active mind or being overly stimulated before bedtime. Being overtired can also be a cause so a consistent bedtime routine is very important. If your child seems stressed and upset try to discover the reason by gently probing but not just before bedtime.

What happens? What do night terrors look like?

Night terrors can be alarming and difficult for any parent to handle. Children may have their eyes open and appear awake yet they’re still actually in a state of sleep and unaware that the parent is there. Children may cry out, shout and thrash about and be difficult to comfort. Sometimes your child may physically shake especially when trying to settle down again.

What should I do?

Gentle but firm touch and quietly shooshing your child can help to settle them down although this may take some time. The child could resist a hug as they’re still in the throes of distress.

Your child won’t be aware that this is happening and will not remember it in the morning so it is best not to mention it but maybe gently try to find out if anything is worrying them.

Remember that although it is distressing for you to witness your child is totally unaware and not suffering pain. Children usually grow out of these terrors and they can become less frequent by following a good bedtime routine. If they persist or increase you can speak to your GP.

For more parenting tips please contact our Family Champion (Julie) at

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