Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

February 19, 2018
by K. Cameron

Monday morning news

Good morning – it’s Monday again!!! We have another busy week in nursery.  We are continuing on our science theme this week with investigations into water.  We are going to look at what we use it for, and the effects of temperature on water.

It’s still not too late to bring us your milk cartons – we are going to wait till we have zillions before we put them in the construction area.  Many thanks to everyone who has sent some in already.

On Monday we have SFA football coaching .

On Tuesday we are starting our PATHS sessions with our groups.  This is a course on Promoting Positive Thinking Skills which uses puppets and stories to help us talk about managing our feelings and understand that other people have feelings too.  It is a fun group experience and. although it sounds a bit heavy, the children really enjoy it.

Wednesday is a busy day – our pre-school children are having a session with a “Going for Gold” instructor in the gym, who is going to give staff lots of ideas for exciting gym lessons.

On Wednesday and Thursday we are going to be doing some experiments with ice, water and steam to help us investigate what we use water for, and how important it is for our planet.

Friday is music day – Susan will be visiting for a Snappy Sounds music session.  I wonder what Mr Snappy will bring us to look at, this week?

February 15, 2018
by K. Cameron

Visit Waitrose and vote for Milngavie ELC!! We may receive funding for Forest Kindergarten Clothing!!

Waitrose have very kindly put us into their Community Matters green token vote in the Milngavie store.

I told them we were trying to raise money to buy waterproof salopettes and jackets for the children to wear on our Forest Kindergarten sessions, and they have allocated us a token box, along with another 2 local causes.

Please will you consider visiting Waitrose and casting a vote for us- you may have to ask for a token at the till. It would be amazing if we could win the vote and receive funding- good waterproofs are expensive and nursery just does not have a budget that would allow us just to buy them.

I am not sure how long we have until the votes are counted- I will phone and ask tomorrow- but please tell everyone you know, who shops at Waitrose, to put their token in the box for Milngavie ELC.


Thank you!! Fingers and toes crossed!!

February 15, 2018
by K. Cameron

New- Milngavie ELC Uniform – available now!

Take the stress out of getting dressed for Nursery!

Our smart, new, unisex ELC uniform is now available.  Samples are on the wall in the nursery hall and it is available to order today online.  I have attached the link to the Border Embroideries website. For your information, if you click on schools, then find your school, you will see Milngavie Early Learning centre in the list. Uniform is, of course, optional.

The polo shirts are £6.85 and the sweatshirts £7.35.

Polo Shirt – £6.85

February 15, 2018
by K. Cameron

Please can we have your milk cartons?

This week in nursery we are going to have some fun in the construction area with milk cartons.  We would be very grateful if you would bring in as many as you can.  Please could you wash them for us first!  We are hoping to see how the children use the containers creatively and problem solve construction issues with them.  We’ll show you what they do with them next week.  Many thanks!

February 15, 2018
by K. Cameron

Welcome Back!

We are back from our half term break feeling recharged and ready to go.  We hope you had a great holiday weekend.  A few of our children have unfortunately caught chicken pox, which is currently doing the rounds.  Chicken pox is contagious before the spots come out, and until they have fully crusted over.

Our fish tank sprang a leak last term and we have had to board our fish in Elisabeth’s aquarium.  We now have a new fish tank and are ready to have a visit to the pet shop to buy our poor lonely fish, a couple of pals.

Tomorrow we are going to take the children into our garden and ask them to help us risk assess it, with a view to prioritizing the improvements we might make if we get the Tesco grant.  It is important the children are involved in planning the improvements so we will be out photographing and making notes and drawings – fingers crossed for a good day.


February 14, 2018
by K. Cameron

Milngavie Primary School and Early Learning Centre need votes to bag a share of Tesco’s bag fund for our garden


Between 1st March and 30th April we are taking part in the green coin vote In Tesco bidding to bag a massive cash boost for the work we need done in our garden, from the Tesco Bags of Help initiative.

Tesco teamed up with Groundwork to launch its community funding scheme, which sees grants of up to £4,000, up to £2,000 and £1,000 raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores awarded to local community projects. greenspace scotland is working with Groundwork to provide support to communities in Scotland.

Three groups in every Tesco region have been shortlisted to receive the cash award and shoppers are being invited to head along to Tesco stores to vote for who they think should take away the top grant.

Milngavie Primary School and Early Learning Centre Garden is one of the groups on the shortlist.

We are hoping to raise money to help us re-vamp and improve our outdoor classroom. We need to replace rotting and broken retaining posts with stone-filled gabions and improve our ramp to make the garden fully wheelchair accessible.

Please vote for our project at your local Tesco Store – our garden is a very valuable outdoor classroom where our children learn about growing food and protecting wildlife. It is also a beautiful space which the community can visit and enjoy throughout the year. It is maintained by the parents and children of Milngavie ELC and Primary School and used regularly by all of our children, and also local community groups including Milngavie in Bloom. It was created in 2000, and has given us a fabulous place to play and explore, as well as a rich learning environment for all areas of the curriculum, including literacy, numeracy and science. Your votes will help us repair it and safeguard its existence for future generations. Please vote when you visit the store, and encourage everyone you know to help us win.

Voting is open in all Tesco stores throughout January and February. Customers will cast their vote using a token given to them at the check-out in store each time they shop.

Tesco’s Bags of Help project has already delivered over £40 million to 9,700 projects up and down the UK. Tesco customers get the chance to vote for three different groups every time they shop. Every other month, when votes are collected, three groups in each of Tesco’s regions will be awarded funding.

Tony McElroy, Tesco’s Head of Communications in Scotland, said:

“We are absolutely delighted to open the voting for January and February. There are some fantastic projects on the shortlists and we can’t wait to see these come to life in hundreds of communities.”

Emma Halliday, Community Enabler Coordinator at greenspace scotland, said:

“We’ve been thrilled to see the diversity of projects that have applied for funding, ranging from outdoor classrooms, sports facilities, community gardens, play areas and everything in between.

“We’re looking forward to learning the results of the customer vote and then supporting each group to bring their project to life.”

Funding is available to community groups and charities looking to fund local projects that bring benefits to communities. Anyone can nominate a project and organisations can apply online. To find out more visit



  • The Bags of Help initiative is supported by money raised from carrier bag sales in Tesco stores.
  • So far Bags of Help has awarded £40 million to more than 9,700 community projects.
  • For more information please visit:


February 5, 2018
by K. Cameron

Happy Monday!

This week in nursery we are continuing to look at counting and number.  Lynn’s maths course last week highlighted the importance of helping children to understand exactly how many objects represent a number.  Learning to count is a complex process – first we need to know the words, and learn the words for the sequence of numbers.  Then we begin to understand that “one” means one item, “four” means four items etc.  We are being encouraged to take our children back to the counting of objects stage to ensure that they understand the “fiveness of five” etc.  This seemingly gives children a much firmer grasp of the real concept of number which stands them in very good stead for going on to addition and subtraction later on.  If you would like to help practise this at home we would be very grateful – even for children who seem to have a good grasp of number, as physical counting is a different, and initially tricky, skill.  If you can play games where they have to count out items to give you, that would be brilliant!

On Monday we have our SFA football coaching sessions and Judit is coming in to teach us some more Spanish.  Fantástico!  Lynn is going on an Outdoor Learning Training Course in the afternoon.

On Tuesday we are not going to the woods, but we are going to get the children who have been on our Forest Kindergarten sessions to talk to the rest of the group about what they have done and how they found it.  We are making a wee presentation for the Forestry Commission on our Forest Kindergarten and are keen to get the childrens opinions and comments.

On Wednesday Valerie is on a Management course all day onWednesday.

On Thursday Lynn and Kate are going on end of the day training courses in Observing and Extending Children’s Learning and Providing Provocations to Play.

On Friday we have another exciting music session with Susan and Mr Snappy.

This weekend is our half term break – Nursery is closed for holidays on Monday 12th and Tuesday 13th and also for a staff inservice day on Wednesday 14th- Valentines day!!!  Happy holidays everyone!

February 2, 2018
by K. Cameron

Proud Winner of the Bulb Competition

Yesterday Theo was chosen as a winner in our school Grow a Bulb Competition by the judges from Calders.  He had looked after his hyacinth bulb really carefully and it was an absolute beauty.

Many thanks to everyone who brought their bulbs in for the competition.  They were all lovely.

Theo- with his winning bulb and his prize

February 1, 2018
by K. Cameron

Last chance to complete our survey!

Our survey, where you can share your opinions on the service we provide at Milngavie ELC, closes on Monday.

We would be very grateful for your feedback. It takes around 3 minutes and will help us plan for improvement in the future.

Please just click the link- if it doesn’t load, you can copy and paste the address into the address bar.

Many thanks to everyone who has done this for us.

February 1, 2018
by K. Cameron

Provocations to Play

A tray of natural ice to explore

A bean bag throwing game with numbers

An exciting construction area, with tools, pipes, cones and builders tape and lots and lots of bricks.

This looks inviting! Hard hats at the ready!

Lynn’s dinosaur jungle -camouflage net, plants and loads of dinosaurs

In nursery we are being asked to provide Provocations to Play in our playrooms and outdoor areas.  A Provocation to Play is an activity or resources that are set up in such a way that they entice children to come in,  investigate and learn.

At Milngavie, our staff are very good at setting these up.  Here are a couple of examples from Lynn and Maureen this week.


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