Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

June 26, 2019
by Ms C McMenemy

Nursery tea towels!

Our Milngavie ELCC 2018/19 tea towels have arrived and they look great!

All children were involved in the tea towel design with each contributing a little drawing of themselves!

They are fun, cute and a brilliant keepsake! On sale at the nursery now for  £6.00.

June 26, 2019
by K. Cameron
1 Comment

The Tea Towels are on Sale!

The Nursery Tea Towels have arrived from the printers.  They are Cornflower Blue and White and look amazing!  All our wee people have drawn themselves and the combined effect is really nice – a lovely reminder of a happy year at Milngavie ELCC.

If you would like to buy one, they cost £6 each and are available from the Nursery Office.  The profit we make from selling them will go into the Nursery Fund to help us buy some really exciting new resources for next year.

Our Nursery Tea Towel is now on sale – price £6. All profits go to nursery funds!

Apologies for the quality of the picture!!!!

June 24, 2019
by K. Cameron

Nursery Treat Fund – there is still time to pay it!


Polite Reminder

Nursery Treat Fund


We ask all families to contribute to our Nursery Treat Fund. The money donated is for treats, resources and activities that make the nursery experience extra special for all children.


Below is a list of the sort of things the Nursery Treat Fund has been used for this year:


  • Daily healthy snacks for all children
  • Arts and crafts materials
  • Gardening materials
  • Children’s entertainers
  • Celebrations – cultural events, parties, Christmas festivities, graduation etc
  • Sports Day
  • Boat Launch
  • Photograph printing
  • Birthday treats and gifts (each child received a picture book)
  • Baking ingredients
  • Display materials
  • And lots more!


We ask for a donation of –

£33 per term

£99 for the year (based on 5 sessions per week)


Thank you to all who have contributed so far.

 If you have still to donate for the last term of  the 2018/19 session please pay at the school office.

June 24, 2019
by K. Cameron
1 Comment

A Very Wild Rumpus

We had the very best of starts to our last week in nursery today, when Krista – Daniel’s mum- came in and involved us in a performance of “Where the Wild Things Are”, based on the book by Maurice Sendak.

Krista first read us the story!

Then we went outside where Krista became the mischevious wee boy, Max, and led us through the story using our garden as the set.  It was brilliant – our boat became Max’s boat, the forest grew up around Max’s bedroom and we all became Wild Things.  Some of us wore masks that Krista had printed for us to make and we all played wildly on musical instruments and did our best roaring and teeth gnashing.

When Max arrived home in his room, after his adventure, he found food on his bedroom table.  Today the food he found was a tagine full of marshmallows, which all our little wild things devoured with great gusto.

We are so grateful to Krista for giving our children this lovely experience.  It brought the book to life and was a fantastic example of our children’s imaginations being sparked by a new approach to a familiar tale.  Getting in touch with our inner wildness is always fun, and the staff really enjoyed this too.  Watching some of our quieter wee people really letting their hair down, roaring,  stomping and getting into character was a great thing to see.  All in all – a brilliant start to a final week for our pre-school children and all round good fun too.


Krista – queen of the Rumpus today! An absolute star!

June 24, 2019
by K. Cameron

Sports Day, BBQ and Boat Launch

We had a fantastic day on Friday – the weather was dry and warm and the children were wonderful.  Our sports events were both very well attended and the children really enjoyed the whole experience – they particularly loved watching their mums’ and dads’ taking part in the parents races.  Many thanks to all our spectators for coming along and making sports a real event!

After our afternoon sports we all made our way to the garden, where Georgia finally got to launch the good ship,” Fin”.  This was done in real style with a bottle of fizzy water to christen her bows!

I name this ship, “Fin”

Georgia and her pirate dad at the special launch party!







Our Big Summer Barbeque, arranged by Eric – Emile’s dad and very ably supported by Bruce – Hadley’s dad – was out of this world.

The food was utterly amazing – Eric had asked his suppliers for donations and had wonderful burgers and sausages, lovely smoked salmon, crayfish tail pasta salad, potato salad and  fabulous coleslaw.  Bruce brought gourmet cheeses, olives and absolutely amazing wagu-beef salami.  On the day, it was like the feeding of the five thousand!  Eric and Bruce worked tirelessly to cook all the delicious burgers and sausages and we enjoyed an amazing feast.  Eric had made all the salads and brought his barbeque and warming dishes to keep the food hot.  He made it look effortless but worked so hard to make it a really special event.

If you were one of the many people who wanted to give a donation to the nursery for the BBQ, we are going to put a box in the hall tomorrow.  Many thanks to everyone who already gave a donation.  Eric wants the money to go to the nursery fund. Many, many thanks.

Eric has already said that he would be willing to do another one for us next year-we think that would be just brilliant!

It was really nice to see all our nursery community together, enjoying our outdoor space and sharing really delicious food.  We are so lucky to have so many lovely families, who support us in many different ways, at Milngavie Early Learning Centre. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you, for your support throughout this year. You make Milngavie a very special Nursery, providing experiences, resources and support for the children well over and above what we can provide as a staff.

Next week, our nursery building closes for the summer, but our staff and some of our children will be spending the summer at Clober Nursery.  We will be back again in August at the start of the new school year.  On behalf of all the staff, we would like to wish everyone a very happy summer, however you are spending it.







June 17, 2019
by K. Cameron

This Week’s News -there’s lots happening!

We’ve got another busy week,  practising our sporting skills, ready for our Sports Day on Friday.  The morning sports is taking place in the Nursery Playground from 10.30am till 11.30am.  Our afternoon sports is from 1.50-2.50pm.

Spectators are very welcome! We will be looking for our superfit mums and dads to join in with our parents’ race, so there is plenty of time to get those trainers out and do some intensive training!

After Sports, at 2.50 pm we have a very special treat.  Eric, Emile’s dad and  top chef,  is treating us to a special barbeque in our the garden.  A huge thanks to Eric for providing the food and his culinary expertise! It’s going to be fabulous!   All our Nursery children are invited to attend, (parents welcome too!)   and we will also be celebrating the launch of our lovely boat.  Our special guest for the launch is Georgia Brown, who suggested the name for our boat.   The weather forecast for Friday is not brilliant at the moment, but we are hoping that as the week goes on, it will improve!

On Tuesday afternoon, (tomorrow), we are having a visit from a very talented ex-pupil – Murdo McCreadie who plays French Horn and who has been very busy recently with his A-Levels and 2 concerts.  He is taking time out of his busy schedule to visit Nursery and play for us.

We are also having a visit from some Primary 7’s, who have organised some very special stories to read to us.  We are looking forward to hearing them read.

It is really lovely to have visits from our ex-pupils.  As most of our staff have been here for a very long time, we remember all of them and it is so nice to hear their news and what they are doing.

There is great excitement today – the builders arrived this morning to start building our new MUGA (Multi Use Games Area) pitch.  They brought a big digger and started demolishing the fence round our old pitch, with it.  They are hoping to finish the MUGA in 6-8 weeks. so we’ll hopefully return to our building in August to find it finished, and ready to use.  In the meantime we are really enjoying watching the digger!






June 13, 2019
by K. Cameron
1 Comment

Best Graduation Ever!! (Possibly!)

Many thanks to everyone who came along to our lovely graduation this morning.  The children were amazing and they took such delight in seeing so many, mummies, daddies, grannies, grandpas, wee brothers, sisters and friends.  It made it an extra special experience.  We hope you had a lovely time.  If you have any comments about graduation, we’d love to hear your feedback.

We are still to give out the lovely school ties that the PTA bought for us to give the children on graduation.  Please make sure you get one tomorrow or on the next day you are in.  We have ties for our St Nicholas children too!

Please note that we will be rescheduling our fun day for the start of the new school term, with P1 and Nursery enjoying the day together.

June 10, 2019
by K. Cameron

Jamilla’s Eid celebrations

Jamilla has been looking after Julie’s group for us.  Jamilla was getting ready to celebrate Eid last week and shared her stories of preparation for Eid with the staff and children at Nursery.  She told the children all about Eid and helped them make Eid Mubarak cards to take home to their families.  Last Tuesday, the day before the celebration, Jamilla brought in special Eid cakes for the staff and a wee packet of Eid sweets for the children to take home. It was lovely to share in Jamilla’s excitement as Eid approached.  We would like to send Jamilla and her family belated Eid Mubarak good wishes!  She is a very lovely lady!

June 10, 2019
by K. Cameron

Sunny Monday Morning Playtime!

It’s a lovely sunny day and our pre-school children this morning had a visit to the Infant Playground for Playtime.  This was a great success – all the children loved exploring their new playground and meeting up with brothers and sisters, and also friends from last year.  There was lots to see and new games to play.  They met up with Mrs Wilson who is in the playground every day and saw everything that happens at playtime.  They also practised lining up- an essential P1 skill!!!  Here are a few of the photos we took!

June 7, 2019
by Ms C McMenemy

Ready – Teddy – Go!

We were so disappointed when our visit from the storyteller was cancelled on Wednesday.

However, we still managed to have a lovely day with all the teddies that came to visit nursery. We had a special teddy themed day with delicious teddy cupcakes and teddy crisps! We sang teddy songs and enjoyed lots of teddy stories! All the teddies and children had great fun.

We are keen to reschedule our fun day and boat launch as soon as possible. Watch this space for updates.

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