Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

June 4, 2020
by K. Cameron

Happy Thursday!

Good morning! Hope today finds you healthy and still sane!!! It’s lovely to be able to see family again- even without hugs -and the weather has been kind too! Life is getting slightly more normal!
Thanks for all the lovely comments about our Staff video! We have all watched it lots too, just to see our friends!
This morning there are 2 new videos to watch-Pam sent us an amazing one which speeds up the development from tadpole to frog! Ours are still just beginning to grow legs!


We also have a lovely Teddy song from Susan and Mr Snappy! Get your teddy and get ready to dance!

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June 3, 2020
by K. Cameron

A safer alternative to Facebook!

It was recently noted on Our Facebook page that our videos there can be followed by other videos which are inappropriate for children, and which play automatically when our video stops.

Kate Pearson – a woman of great worldly wisdom and a whiz with tech- luckily had the answer to why this happens and outlined a way in which you can make the automatic video content Facebook shows you safer.

It did raise serious issues though, and we would hate to be responsible, however inadvertently, for our children viewing inappropriate content.

I am now suggesting that if you prefer not to use Facebook, you go to our Glowblog and sign up for Updates. I am now able to put links to our videos on there and cut out the need for Facebook.

The blog sends its contents to our Facebook page so you can continue to use it, if you are happy doing so. Please just be aware that Facebook sends you videos based on what you have watched on your device, and if it has contained any adult content it assumes you will be happy to see more. If older kids or adults use your device think about following Kate’s advice about changing the settings on Ad Preferences on Facebook.

Many thanks to Kate for sharing her knowledge on this subject.  I hope the new video links on the blog will make it a safer alternative for parents.  Please let us know what you think!

May 24, 2020
by K. Cameron

Free Solihull Online Parenting Courses



The Scottish government have made available access to Solihull Online free to all parents. The Solihull Approach is an excellent, tried and tested course for parents and Early Years Practitioners which looks at understanding emotional development, managing behaviour and sustaining good relationships with children and young people from 0-18 yrs.  These courses are extremely worthwhile. The usually cost £39 each so free access to all of them is a great opportunity to immerse yourself in the current thinking on child development. They address problems that all parents experience and give workable strategies and advice.

If you are interested follow the link for details on how to access the courses. There are courses for every stage of childhood so you can choose the ones which apply to your wee ones!

As a granny, I’ve already spotted a couple I’m going to sign up for!!!! ❤️

The access code is TARTAN

May 19, 2020
by K. Cameron

Tuesday Newsday!

Another week of lockdown has started, but we are definitely getting nearer to the light at the end of the tunnel!

Erin sent me this great lockdown version of Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star.  If you can teach it to your wee one, it would lovely to video it to send to grannies and grandpas and we would absolutely love to see it in your Learning Journal as a wee memory of how tough it was, not to see all our loved ones!

🎵🌟 Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Send my love out wide and far

To my family, to my friends

See you soon when lockdown ends

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star

Send my kisses wide and far!

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week.  It is perhaps particularly important this year as lockdown has meant challenging times for all of us.  The focus this year is on kindness, and this is something going on widely in our community just now. Many people are helping others in lots of kind ways.  In nursery we talk to children about emotions- on a daily basis through stories and group time activities and also with a resource called PAThS- (Promoting Alternative Thinking Skills), which explores emotions and how to manage them through stories based round a wee turtle puppet called Twiggle and his animal friends.  Our children quickly learn to recognise emotions in others using cues from faces and body language, and also become able to name the emotions they feel.  We learn how to manage our more difficult emotions and to talk about them and about how we can help ourselves feel better.  Empathy is encouraged and kindness is celebrated.   Children learn to compliment each other and this encourages good self esteem. This all sounds a bit worthy and boring, but PAThS sessions are always good fun and the staff who run them are always amazed by the wisdom many of our wee people already have.   We have put 3 kindness tasks on as our Home Learning for this week in our Learning Journals.  If you have time and feel up to it, why not put a photo or any of your child’s comments about them on your Journal!

We’ve got 3 videos on our Facebook page today- one of our tadpoles, some of whom are getting more froggy in shape, but still using their long wiggly tails to swim. One from Susan and Mr Snappy and also one of Olaf and Disney characters which sums up how the nursery ladies are feeling about not seeing you all!

Wishing everyone a week full of kindness! ❤️

May 12, 2020
by K. Cameron

How are you doing? We’re going to get there! 😀👍🌈

At the outset of lockdown, few of us could have predicted how we would cope with the restrictions on our freedom and 24/7 care and education of our children at home.   It is not easy! The pressures on parents just now are immense.  Some days do not go to plan, however good our intentions.  You are doing a really good job in really tough circumstances.  From the wonderful posts on our Learning Journals and the messages we have had from parents, we know that your children are thriving- learning so many new things every single day!  From amazing outdoor adventures to interesting things learned in Screen Time, the amazing range of learning experiences you are giving your child is helping them grow in knowledge and confidence every single day.  Do not worry if you don’t post on the Learning Journals. It is a step too far for many!  There are umpteen pressures on your time- especially if you are also working from home!  We are going to emerge from this enforced “together time” with a very special group of children who have a real sense of family.  If your child is happy, healthy and enjoying being with you, you are doing an amazing job!

I have been sent a couple of interesting links from colleagues which I’d like to pass on.  The first is live music concerts from Live Music Scotland. These are aimed at different audiences but there are quite a few for pre-5’s.

The second is only for parents looking for ideas and activities linked to the early years curriculum.  It is an in-depth outline of the how’s and why’s of pre-school education and includes Birth to 3 as well as 3-5. It’s a great, comprehensive guide to home learning and is well worth a read.  However, only read it on a day where you are feeling on top of things.  No one could do all of it, all the time.  It does give some great ideas for activities though and is laid out in a poster style which I found made it easy to read.

Thanks to Caroline and Tracy Stilwell for these links.
 There are more stories and Snappy Sounds videos this week, to watch on our Facebook page.
Please remember that that we are still here, if you are worried or would like to chat about your wee one. Children can find this stressful too, and this can manifest in unusual behaviours. If you need help or advice, please get in touch.  We can phone or FaceTime you!
Sending love from all the Nursery Staff Team, to all our wee ones and their amazing families! We are missing you! ❤️

May 4, 2020
by K. Cameron

Monday morning news- May the fourth be with you!

Hi everyone! I hope today finds you safe and healthy and still sane! The weather is definitely with us and it is a real joy to get out for a walk or bike ride and see how beautiful this Spring is!

This morning Susan has sent us a wonderful video about the lifecycle of the caterpillar, accompanied by the music from The Sorcerer’s Apprentice. I will put it onto the Facebook page. It’s brilliant!

Last Friday, Kate- Eilidh’s mum ran a Zoom disco for our wee ones.  Some of our staff joined in too- Caroline said the Hokey Cokey was particularly fun! Entry to this was through The Milngavie ELCC Parents Group- a closed group on Facebook which you must join to have access to. Why not join and be part of any future events! It is a great forum for keeping in touch with other parents too.  Many thanks to Kate Pearson for organising this!

If you are looking for a great educational resource for your wee ones, Debbie has sent me some recipes for different playdoughs that you might like to make at home. Playdough is fun and encourages lots of different skills, including fine motor, language, artistic creativity, imagination. Our children love making it at nursery! Not suitable for playing with on carpets or soft furnishings though! 😱. Hope you have fun making it at home!

We will have more news from the garden later, when I have managed to motivate myself to leave my house! Éric and Émile have been very busy and I will post the photos to show you their great progress this week!

Mr Graham has asked me to pass on East Dunbartonshire Council’s Digital Resources for New Parents Page. Please share it with anyone you know who has a new baby!

Digital Resources for New Parents

East Dunbartonshire has produced a useful guide providing information and support from credible sources during these unprecedented times for new parents.

For more information please contact the Public Health Improvement Team at:

Medical advice and guidelines:


Scotland’s dedicated resource offering up-to-date facts on health, services and campaigns. It also has a wealth of information available online on illness, treatments and conditions including latest information on coronavirus, symptoms checker and guidelines. ready-steady-babyYour NHS guide to pregnancy, labour and birth and early parenthood up to 8 weeks. you need to know about immunisations and vaccines in Scotland.  Includes information on how they protect against serious diseases, when you should get immunised, what vaccines are available and what they protect against.  

Please note: It is extremely important during the COVID-19 outbreak that all children attend for their immunisations to help prevent the outbreak of a preventable illness.  

The pre5 immunisation programme in East Dunbartonshire is still running and our healthcare staff are on hand to support families to attend.  For more information and advice you can contact us on 0141 304 7417

Advice and support for parents

The Parent

A great place to find family friendly information covering tips for home learning, talking to your child about the Coronavirus, keeping active with children, healthy and delicious recipes, breastfeeding during the pandemic and nursery and school closures.


Organisation who offer practical advice and with support in difficult times.  They have useful information on a number of topics and have a free confidential Parentline that you can call if you need to talk to someone on 08000 28 22 33

Parenting Across Scotland

Parenting across Scotland have various on line resources that can be downloaded.  They contain top tips and practical advice for families.

Health and wellbeing

Financial Support: Best Start Grant

If you are under 18, or on a low income, or receiving benefits you may also be eligible for a Best Start Grant and/or Best Start Foods.

Financial Support: Healthier Wealthier Children: 0141 775 3220

Income Maximisation programme run by East Dunbartonshire Citizens Advice Bureau.  Available to pregnant women, parents & carers of children up to age 5, and parents & carers of children up to 19 who are on a low income or need help with money worries and/or benefit applications.  Phone the number above to request a telephone appointment.

Children Accident Prevention

Practical guides to support parents in providing a safe environment for their child at each stage of their development. You can also download activity sheets which can help children to learn how to keep themselves safe.


Provides parents with all the information they need to help take care of their child’s teeth in the very earliest days all the way up to 12 years old.

Fun First Food

An easy guide to introducing solid foods, giving information on the different stages of weaning with tips, advice and recipes.


The latest guidance on how to safely make up infant formula and feed your baby safely.

Activity ideas for parents, carers and children and encourage everyone to have fun using items found easily around the home.

Breastfeeding support, helplines and virtual support groups

Although your health visitor may not be able to provide face to face support at this time they are still available to speak with if you require breastfeeding support.  There are also a number of organisations who are providing on line or telephone support.

The National Breastfeeding Helpline 0300 100 0212 (9.30am – 9.30pm)

Helpline run in collaboration with the Breastfeeding Network and the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.  Support is also available in Welsh and Polish via the National Breastfeeding Helpline – call 0300 100 0212 and press 1 for Welsh and 2 for Polish.

naszej ofercie nowy serwis z informacjami dotyczącymi karmienia piersią i emocjonalnym wsparciem mam w języku polskim. Zadzwoń pod numer 0300 100 0212 po czym wybierz 2

Association of Breastfeeding Mothers

An online course designed to support and prepare expectant parents for early days of breastfeeding.  Split into 5 sections with interactive quizzes and links for further information.

Glasgow Breastfeeding Buddies Mondays & Thursdays 1.30-2.30 pm

Running a virtual baby café via Zoom where you can meet and chat with other breastfeeding mums and access breastfeeding support.

La Leche League – 0345 120 2918 (8am – 11pm)

The National Childbirth Trust 0300 330 0700 (8am – midnight)

Social support available online, including local groups

Bookbug at home –’s-all-going-online-edlc-libraries

A fun mix of songs, rhymes and a story for children aged 0-5 years and their mums, dads and carers.  Library staff are holding virtual bookbug online throughout the week.  It’s a great way to introduce your whole family to the activity and connect with local staff.  Findout more on EDLC Culture website or by visiting their twitter or facebook pages.

Daisy Foundation (New Dawn Hub, Bishopbriggs)

Pregnancy and antenatal classes run by local wellbeing hub in Bishopbriggs – classes currently being held online. They also have a closed facebook group which you can apply to join and chat to local expectant ladies and mums of young babies.

The National Childbirth Trust Wednesdays 2 3.30pm”

Bumps and Babies Group is meeting weekly online via Zoom.  You can meet and chat with other mums and get breastfeeding support also.  

Babycentre –

A popular parenting website with a specific focus on pregnancy and early years of parenting.  The chat forum is known as Babycentre Community and has many options for parents to meet others who share commonalities such as birth month or local area –

Another popular parenting website, UK based with a network of local sites.  The Coffee House chat forum launched in 2004 for mums and dads to chat, make friends and exchange advice online. As of 2012 the site included over 150 local websites, 500 national meet-up groups for mothers and 1,500 bloggers in its network.

DISCLAIMER: East Dunbartonshire HSCP is not responsible for any incorrect or inaccurate content posted on the websites listed here or in connection with any non-clinical services.

We urge you not to share any personal information and are not responsible for any type of harm caused due to sharing things such as, personal e-mail, telephone number and street address. Although most people on the site are here for help and support, there may be untrustworthy people out there who may not have the best intentions so please proceed with caution.


April 27, 2020
by K. Cameron

It’s Monday again! How are you doing?

Good Morning! I hope you are safe and well this morning- another week nearer to the end of lockdown! All our staff are missing our children and families and we would absolutely love to be back at work.  We are really loving all the news of what you have been doing that you have put on the Learning Journals!  Please keep it coming- it’s so good to look back on it with your child!

We have exciting news this morning – Lisa’s chrysalises hatched out!  Our tadpoles are starting to grow back legs and our plants in the orchard and garden are beginning to grow and flower.

Here are some of the beautiful sights I saw in our lovely outdoor space today.

Our playground plants are so colourful- thanks to careful watering from Émile and Katie!

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