Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

May 24, 2022
by L. Wilson


We have an artist in our Team who has been working on a lovely Mural in our playroom.  I think you will all agree the mural looks great.  Fiona spoke to the children and they looked at some books together.  They then chose one of the pictures and asked Fiona if she could paint it on the wall as a Mural for the Nursery.






May 23, 2022
by L. Wilson

Author of the Month

Eileen has been developing our Literacy Area.  This month our Author of the Month is Julia Donaldson and we have been reading lots of books in the Nursery by this Author.  Eileen has created a wall with some of the children’s book reviews of the books they have read along with a selection of  some of the children’s Picture stories on books they have read.  As you can see they have been really enjoying our Julia Donaldson books.


May 23, 2022
by L. Wilson

Book Bug

Book Bug is a regular visitor in our Nursery.  We have been developing our early Literacy skills through songs and books with Book Bug which the children have all been really enjoying.  We have had a delivery of the New Book Bug books for the Explorer Bags which will be gifted to all three years and families.  The children are becoming familiar with them in the Nursery and we would encourage you to continue to share the books and activities with them.  We would love to see any pictures of you and your children enjoying the books/activities at home.


Bug Hotel

May 23, 2022 by L. Wilson | 0 comments

Some of the children have been very busy in our Nursery Garden.  They decided it would be really nice to build a hotel for all our bugs and insects in the garden.  They worked together with Clare making a plan of what they would need for making this, the children then gathered all the items they needed.  I think you will agree that they made a great job of making their very own Bug Hotel for the Nursery Garden and I am sure all the bugs and insects will love it.

May 23, 2022
by L. Wilson

Nursery Graduation Songs

All the boys and girls have been very busy practising their Graduation Songs for our upcoming Graduation.  You may have heard some of the songs if your children have been singing them at home.

Please find the list of our Graduation Songs along with the words in case you wish to discuss it with your children.  This will also enable you to sing along with them at home.

I hope this is helpful to you all.

Milngavie Early Learning and Childcare Centre

Graduation Songs 2022

Robot Song

I’m a little robot, short and square,

I have no fingers, I have no hair,

If you need the answer to your sums,

Press my buttons and out it comes.


We’re off to School Now

(to the tune, You are my Sunshine)

We’re off to school now,

We’re off to school now,

We’re sure we will survive.

Please do not greet now,

We have to leave you,

Because we’ve reached the age of 5.


We’re off to school now,

We’re off to school now,

We’ve learned to share and not to fight,

Please do not greet now,

We have to leave you,

We must learn to read and write.


We’re off to school now,

We’re off to school now,

We’re sure we will survive.

Please do not greet now,

We have to leave you,

Because we’ve reached the age of 5.


We’re on our way to Primary 1

(to the tune of ‘Show me the Way to Amarillo)

We’re on our way to Primary 1 where we’ll be having lots of fun,

Learn to read and write and do sums, before we go back home to mum!

Shalalalalalalala! Shalalalalalala! Shalalalalalalala!

We’re on our way to Primary 1


Graduation Song

One year older

One year wiser

One year taller and stronger and brighter

One step close to being the best that I can be

Thank you for helping me


Thank you for helping me.


Our lights are burning bright

Knowledge is our guiding light

Happy Graduation Day

We have come such a long way.


We have come such a long way.

We have come such a long way.

We have come such a long way.


Thank You

Two little words

Two little words

Two little words … not goodbye

It’s the end of the year

Graduation is here

Our two little words to our teachers, mums, dads, grandparents and all


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …. Everyone

Thank you for all you’ve done

Thank you for all you’ve done


You taught us to read and write

You taught us to learn

You told us it’s be alright

And how to take our turn


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you …. Everyone

Thank you for all you’ve done

Thank you for




May 9, 2022
by L. Wilson

Voluntary Snack Fund

Treat Fund Contributions – a gentle wee reminder

Many thanks to everyone who has paid their Treat Fund Contributions.  This is very much appreciated.  Our Nursery Treat Fund is very important – the money parents donate, allows us to provide special snacks each day, on top of the basic fruit and milk.  The children enjoy bagels, crackers and cheese, cereals, toast, breadsticks etc and it also provides the special food for parties, our Burns Supper and special celebrations.   Treat Fund is also the source of funding for the Birthday Book and Christmas Present each of our children receive.  It allows us to buy special resources for science experiments and plants, seeds and compost for our garden and outdoor area.  It also funds our baking activities.  In short, it makes our nursery a much better place!

We would be very grateful for your contributions.

The suggested donation is 50p per day.  For a child who attends every day this works out at £2.50 per week.

There are an average of 20 days nursery per month, which would be £10.

Treat fund can be paid termly

August to November – £40

December to March – £40

April to July – £40

Or £120 for the whole year.  Please hand in the money to nursery in an envelope with your child’s name on it and any cheques made payable to Milngavie Nursery Fund.

If your child does not attend each day, please feel free to calculate your contribution and adjust it accordingly.


May 9, 2022
by Ms Canavan

Nursery area updates

We have been working with the children to adapt some of our nursery areas, which are included below;

There is table in the literacy area which has been set up, encouraging children to write, read and question (Angela)

The children have been using the wooden figures associated with castles and knights to role play so we decided to add the resources in the small world to support this ‘theme’. We used environmental print to promote literacy and mark making opportunities too. (Eileen)

May 6, 2022
by ed062kanderson@glow

Sports Day

Nursery Sports Day

*Thursday 26th May 2022*

The nursery children will be taking part in a Sports Day, using the football pitch between 10.30am-11.30am.

We would like to welcome all parents to come along as we can utilise an open space.

If your child does not attend on this day feel free to bring them along between these times.

Many thanks,

Lisa Hamill

Depute Head of Centre


May 6, 2022
by ed062kanderson@glow

Nursery Graduation

Graduation Day

We would like to celebrate our children graduating from nursery by having an informal graduation day on the following days and times within our nursery playground;

*Wednesday 8th June 2022*

10.15am-10.45am Julie’s Joeys and Claire’s Giraffe’s

11.00am – 11.30am Pam’s Lambs

*Wednesday 15th June 2022*

10.15am-10.45am Jen’s Cubs and Josh’s Ducklings

11.00am-11.30am Angela’s Kittens and Eileen Puppies

If your child does not attend on this day please feel free to come along a few minutes before hand. If you could also let the Key Worker know if your child will be in attendance on this day.

As we are keeping the number of adults to a minimum please if we could ask that a maximum of 2 adults per family attend the graduation ceremony. Seating will be made available to watch the graduation from a safe distance.

Many thanks,


Lisa Hamill

Depute Head of Centre




April 26, 2022
by ed062kanderson@glow

Visit to the school.


Today I started the nursery transition to P1 – can you believe we are at that time of year already!

I took a group of children over to the school and visited the current primary 1’s. We had a stay and play in the classroom for around 45mins. The primary 1 children were extremely welcoming, our children had a fantastic time and enjoyed the activities available. All  pre-school children will have an opportunity over this term to visit the school over the coming weeks.

These visits will allow for a smooth transition come August as they will become familiar with the school building, staff, school routine etc. I look forward to taking another group of children next week.



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