Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

We’re not in the building, but Milngavie EYC is still here for you!!!


We are really hoping that we can all keep fit and healthy and that if we keep to the government guidelines for isolation, that this awful virus will be conquered, in the not too distant future.     In the meantime, our children are missing being at nursery.  Parents are being asked to home school their children.   We know that you may have school age children at home too.  Many of our staff are parents themselves, and we all know just how demanding 24/7 care of little ones can be.  Like our school, our nursery is going to use our learning journals to  ideas for activities to try out at home.  You are able to put updates on the learning journals so if you would like to include your child in recording their home learning on their journal, it is easy to do.  You can upload it by clicking on the Home Learning button.  We can also use it as a way of keeping in contact with nursery – if you have anything you need advice on, or would like to ask us, just leave a message on your child’s learning journal and we can get back to you.

We are keen to stress that the activities and ideas we suggest are totally optional. Not all parents will be in a position to update Learning Journals and we respect that not everyone will want to. If you have school age children too, you may be very busy. We just want to provide an idea of the types of learning we would have been following in nursery, especially for our pre-school children, and hope that you (and any older children too) might find the activities fun.

In the meantime, please feel free to keep in touch.  We are missing your children terribly and knowing what they are doing would be lovely – as well as helpful for planning their learning on their return.  We really hope that we are all back together soon.   If we follow government advice and do not take risks, hopefully this will not be too long!

There has been a lot of discussion in the media about the effects social isolation will have on us.  We were given this page, written by Educational Psychologists, which we feel is very valuable advice for parents.

A nice idea featured on facebook this week was one of making rainbows to put on your windows for children to spot.  They are also to remind us of happy times ahead and are a colourful reminder to be joyful.  Many of our wee ones love drawing rainbows – put a few up and keep the world colourful!!

We have a strong sense of community at Milngavie Early Years Centre.  We are closed, but staff are on a rota to support families by providing childcare for our key workers, at Clober Nursery until we open up again. If we can do anything to support you, within the rules for isolation etc please get in touch.  If you need advice or just would like a chat, let us know.  We are not in the building, but we are here for you.

Many thanks to the Orell Family for offering to have Bubbles Dan McSplasherfish- our nursery pet, while we are closed.    We know he’s going to have a lovely break and will probably find the peace and quiet quite novel.

Our Gardening Day, scheduled for the 29th March, has had to be postponed.  Before the restrictions on going out, we had been making plans for trying to maintain the orchard and garden, but these have had to be postponed until we are allowed out again.  Thank you to our Super-dad -Eric Avenier,  for cutting  all the grass in the orchard last weekend.  It looks amazing was a huge job.

There will be a message on the learning journals tomorrow giving ideas of things you might like to do with your wee ones, while at home.  Please feel free to contribute your own ideas too – either on the Milngavie Nursery Parents Facebook Page or on your child’s Learning Journal Home Learning section.

Please look after one another and stay safe.

With very fond regards from your Nursery staff team.





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