Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Literacy in Nursery this week and a wee reminder about Lost Property


Eileen has taken on the role of joint-Literacy Champion this term and has wasted no time.  Our reading area is now in the Daisy Room and Eileen has put our Mighty Writer Board there too.  We also have our Author of the Month board there – Eric Carle is our author for September.  She is also starting our Word Aware program where we look at different words each week and encourage vocabulary expansion.  Mighty Writer is an excellent resource which encourages creative writing and teaches the direction of reading, and the idea that there is a beginning, middle and end to each story.  This week Eileen has made a series of cards from The Very Hungry Caterpillar, with which she helps the children sequence the events of the story.  Once the story sequence is on the board, it is lovely to see how easily the children “read” back the story using the pictorial prompts.


Debbie has had a very busy time sorting out our boot room.  She has found a lot of lost property which we will put at the bottom of the ramp every day till the end of this week.  Please have a look, just in case there is something that belongs to your wee one, which you can take home.  We are going to keep lost property for another 2 weeks and then will clear the rail by donating it to charity.  Please, please check that your child’s name or initials are clearly on any item of clothing or footwear that they use in nursery.  It gives us much more of a fighting chance of re-uniting it with its small owner!

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