Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

New Term News- we’re happy to be back in our building!


We have had a very busy couple of weeks settling back into our own building and new routine and welcoming lots of new wee recruits and their families to our nursery community.  Everyone is settling well and it is lovely to see how quickly our new wee ones gain in confidence with every visit.  The Covid restrictions still do not allow us to welcome parents into our building, but please do not let this put you off speaking to us if you have any worries or concerns about your child or would like a chat about any aspect of their nursery experience.  If you speak to the member of staff who brings your child in or out, they can organise a time for you to see your wee one’s keyworker, or have a phone call if you prefer.  We also have a Family Champion – Julie Bannerman – who can advise on any parenting issues you may encounter that you might like a bit of support with.  Parenting is a job that we all struggle with at times and sometimes it is good to talk to someone with knowledge of child development and positive parenting strategies, and who has personal experience too.

Nursery Family tree

We had to take down our family tree in the hall during the summer as our building was having a refurb.  Last year we noticed that the children really liked being able to go out into the hall and spend time looking at the tree with their friends- showing their own family photo and looking at everyone else’s.  In a time when you can’t come in to visit, it seems particularly valuable.  Please could we ask for a family photo of your family to put on the tree- a maximum size of 4×6 is ideal as we can then fit everyone on.  We don’t display names beside them, but every child knows where their own photo is.

Please could you hand your photo in when you bring your child in to nursery.  Alternatively if you would like to send one to me, I can print it for you.  My email is KCameron@milngavie.e-dunbarton.sch.  Many thanks!

Nursery Rules

Over the next three weeks we are going to be talking to the children about the things we can do together to keep everyone safe and happy in our nursery.  We will be asking what rules the children feel we need to have,  and making a pictorial display of the things that they decide on, in the hall where we can all see them.  It is important that the children understand why we have rules and also have ownership of them.  Children feel safer and more secure with boundaries and it helps us talk about kindness and managing our relationships with others.

Name those clothes please!

A gentle reminder to request that you put your child’s initials or name inside all clothing, footwear, etc that your wee one brings to nursery.  It doesn’t need to be a fancy label – initials on the label, written in laundry marker will do.  This will make it much easier for us to match lost things with their owners.  In a busy nursery it can be difficult to keep track of what people wear and who belongs to what!  We have a little rail of lost property beside the nursery ramp.  Please have a look and see if you can claim anything!  If it is not claimed in the next two weeks, we will donate anything left to a charity.

Mary’s Blankets

Many thanks to everyone who has bought one of Mary’s beautiful blankets.  We still have 9 for sale in a wide range of lovely colours.  Please ask any member of our staff to show you them if you are interested in buying one.  They cost £10 each and all money goes to the nursery fund.  They make a perfect new baby present as they are extra-soft and cuddly.

Nursery Treat Fund

Nikki, our lovely admin lady, is going to be sending emails to parents about treat fund donations.  The Nursery Treat Fund is very important and helps us provide special resources, party food and Christmas and Birthday gifts for our children, none of which would be possible from our Nursery Budget.  With our new nursery hours, we have simplified the Treat Fund and the suggested donation is 50p per day.  There are an average of 20 days nursery per month, which would be £10.

Treat fund can be paid termly

August to November – £40

December to March – £40

April to July – £40

Or £120 for the whole year.  Please hand in the money to nursery in an envelope with your child’s name on it and any cheques made payable to Milngavie Nursery Fund.

We really appreciate this money – it allows us to do lots of fun things on a weekly basis in nursery.  We buy special food to celebrate special days in nursery i.e. Diwali, Chinese New Year, Burns Day, Christmas parties and Graduation and we also can afford to buy interesting new resources and seeds and plants for our garden and polytunnel, to show how food is grown.  Many thanks!

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