Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Relaxed, new lunchtimes at Milngavie EYC


We have recently introduced the new system of 2 sittings for Nursery lunch and it is working beautifully!  Our new Housekeeper Sarah serves lunch from our new menu to all our children in the Daisy room, from a new trolley which keeps the food warm for us.

We are using the ‘Setting the Table’ document (pictured) to develop a high quality lunchtime experience for children.

Setting the Table (NHS, 2015)

Sarah, serving up delicious soup today

We work closely with Facilities Management staff to ensure lunch provision meets the dietary needs of all children. We would like to say a BIG THANKYOU to all the catering staff at the Milngavie Primary School kitchen for making our delicious and nutritious lunches!

To  plan improvements to our lunchtime provision  our children and staff evaluated our lunchtime experiences last session and identified the following strengths:


With more children having lunch in the centre each day now due to the introduction of 1140 hours we have included developing the lunchtime experience on our Nursery Improvement Plan (21/22). We aim to strengthen links between lunch and children’s learning within Food and Health.

We are also going to explore further opportunities within lunchtime provision that promote social skills, interactions, communication skills and independence.  We aim to promote children’s ownership of the lunchtime experience. We also intend to increase our engagement with parents to raise awareness of the lunchtime experience, lunch choices and links to learning through regular updates on our blog- and lunch invitations for parents, when we are allowed to do this again!  We also intend to  enhance our children’s understanding of where food comes from by involving them in growing fruit and vegetables in the nursery garden, orchard and polytunnel and visits (when allowed) to local suppliers.

To support the smooth running of our lunchtime experience we are inviting children to make their lunch choices in advance using an online order form.  Parents will receive a link to the form in an email later this week. If your child has allergies or dietary requirements please contact the nursery to discuss their needs.

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