Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Hazel, Theo and Sally’s Amazing Plant Sale


Last week Theo and Sally’s amazing mum – Hazel – ran a plant sale to raise money for our school orchard and outdoor areas.  Hazel is on our school’s Sustainability Committee.  Theo, Sally and Hazel grew a great many of the plants themselves from seed, and also asked friends to grow some for us too.   They also received donations from other school and nursery parents who handed plants in to the orchard.   On the day there was a fantastic selection of plants to choose from.  The plants were very well watered as the heavens opened for nearly the whole afternoon,

The rain did not put off the hardy customers.






The vegetable stall was very popular

The tomato plants were on sale in the polytunnel

The plants were very well watered

Hazel-our wonderful plant sale organiser! 🌟


Sally, putting the signs up for the big event!

Beautiful signs made by Theo and Sally were great advertising!

Sally and Theo had also been involved in making the signs and donation boxes for the Plant Sale and these were beautifully written and very creatively decorated and designed.  They had also sown their own seeds and labelled them.  The whole family were involved in planning and organising this wonderful fundraising event and hours of gardening, sign writing and organising, not to mention transporting all the plants, went into the venture.


Look at these wonderful donation boxes

Hazel, Theo and Sally raised an absolutely amazing £314 for the school and nursery.  We would like to say a very loud and public THANK YOU!  for all their hard work.  This money will be used to buy compost and plants for our outdoor areas, in both the school playgrounds and the orchard.  We are very keen to grow crops that the children can see grow, and then taste when ready to harvest.

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