Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday Morning News


Our Pre-school Active Learning Project starts this week

This morning our pre-school children started on their Active Learning Project – something we usually do with Primary 1.  Its a bit different this year as we are going to have to share our learning online.  For the next 4 weeks we will be looking at some interesting lifecycles – we started today with Sunflowers.

Two groups of pre-school children became scientists this morning.  As we were going to do planting, we looked very carefully at compost and thought of all the different words we use for the stuff we grow plants in. We came up with soil, earth, dirt, muck and compost – a great list.  We talked about what it was made up of and we looked at it very carefully using magnifying glasses.  Compost/earth is magical stuff – full of bacteria and microscopic creatures – just too small to see.  We tried with magnifying glasses.  We are going to watch a youtube film to see a microscopic view of compost.  If you would like to watch this click this link:

We looked at the compost under a magnifying glass and felt the texture with our fingers.

We talked about how all the wee creatures and beasties eat through all the dead leaves and dead creatures in that fall onto the ground and poo these out, making the soil really good for plants.  We thought about how plants eat and drink and Finn and Euan told us that they use their roots.   We talked about being careful not to get soil in your mouth and that we need to be very careful to wash your hands after working with soil so we don’t get bugs in our tummies.  We planted sunflower seeds in our compost and watered them.  We are looking forward to watching our flowers growing!

We planted the seeds 1.5 cm deep. We hope that our flowers might grow to 2m tall!

The Blueberry Group looking at their compost

We learned that sunflowers give us sunflower oil and also seeds we can eat as well as plant!

We all watered our seed pots well. We hope they will germinate soon.

Our other groups will be doing this on Thursday and Primary 1 are working on it over the course of the week.  Details of your child’s learning will be put on their Learning Journal and we are also going to share pictures and videos of our learning with Primary 1.  If any parent has any objection to us sharing photos and videos of their child internally within our school please let us know.

A Plea for Prompt Pick Ups

Please could we ask parents to be prompt in their collection of their child.  Our wee people can become upset if they feel they are waiting,  particularly if other children are starting their lunches or snack.  We also have members of staff finishing their shifts at 12 and 5pm.   They can be delayed if there are still little ones waiting to be collected.  Of course, we appreciate that there may be times when you are unavoidably late.  If you call us to let us know you have been held up , we can accommodate this.  We completely understand that life is not always predictable.  However, we ask for your cooperation by being here at your child’s collection time.  It makes a real difference to your child’s nursery experience and also to the smooth running of our centre.



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