Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Fun and Learning with Frogs and Fish


One of the visitors to our pond this week.

A mummy frog beside a very big mound of eggs.


We found frogs hopping all around the garden.

Debbie carefully picked them up and popped them into the new pond.

We loved watching the frogs swimming and popping their heads up out of the water.

The frogs laid lots and lots of frogs spawn!

Debbie lifted out some frogs eggs for us to see them. They were very slimy!

We are so lucky to have had the opportunity to watch frogs mating and laying eggs in the garden pond.  We have been amazed by the number of frogs who came to visit and the amount of frogspawn we have.  It has stimulated a very real interest to find out lots more about frogs and we have been reading books, doing Frog Lifecycle jigsaws and watching out for all things froggy.  Out in the garden and playground we have been singing songs about frogs, and we even watched the deeply irritating Crazy Frog on our interactive whiteboard.  This is real planning in the moment.  The children’s fascination is obvious and it is wonderful to see them enjoying their learning and discussing it with friends.  Over the next few months we will be watching the eggs develop and sharing our knowledge with our friends over in Primary 1, who have also been over to look in the pond.

Our fish – Bubbles Dan McSplasherfish aka  Michael Buble has returned from a very long holiday at Jenny’s house.  The Orrell family very kindly looked after Bubbles over lockdown and returned him to us yesterday.  The children were so excited to see him in his new position in the nursery hall.  However they thought he looked a bit lonely, and Kate and Callum went to the pet shop to see if a suitable friend for Bubbles could be found.  ( We would normally have taken a group of children but Covid regulations only allowed one!)  Callum did a great job of choosing a lovely fishy friend and they seem to like each other!

Callum was very excited to see Rocket the Parrot in the Pet Shop window.

There were lots of fish to choose from.

Callum chose a Black Moor fish with a lovely silvery tummy.

The pet shop lady caught the fish in a net and then put him in a plastic bag with water in it.

Callum is thinking about a name for the fish – he quite likes “Silvery Fish”   Everyone loves the fish that Callum chose for us – the tank has lots of visitors who like to stand and enjoy our fishy friends swimming happily round their tank.

Our new Black Moor fish

Bubbles, looking huge and happy to be home.

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