Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Kung Hei Fat Choy! Happy Chinese New Year Everyone!




The flag of China Today it is Chinese New Year.  China is a very, very big country 5,000 miles away from Scotland.  Lots of people live in China, and lots of Chinese people also live in other countries around the world.  China is famous for its ancient culture, beautiful buildings, wonderful food and also for being the home of pandas.

Today Chinese people will be celebrating New Year.  It is a very happy, hopeful time and there are lots of different things that Chinese people do to celebrate.  We are very lucky to have Rong working at Milngavie EYC just now.  Rong is from China and has very kindly put together a powerpoint to show us some of the stories and traditions that Chinese people have at New Year.

Click this link to see Rong’s post:

Rong celebrates with her family and this year she has made beautiful cakes to eat as part of the celebration- they are traditional steamed buns decorated with Chinese dates.  Rong says she has made mini ones, but her mum, who lives in China makes huge cakes up to 2kg in weight!

We hope that Rong and her family have a wonderful celebration and that the Year of the Ox is a lucky, happy, prosperous and healthy one for all of them.


Here is a little Cbeebies film about another Chinese family celebrating Chinese New Year:


Here is a lovely story about a little girl’s first Chinese New Year:


Maybe you will have some delicious Chinese food this weekend.  Many Chinese people use chopsticks instead of a knife and fork to eat their food. If your mum or dad has chopsticks in the house you could try eating your dinner with them.  If you haven’t used them before it can be quite tricky at first, but its great fun to try!  Here is a clip of a baby eating with chopsticks in China!


Wishing you and all your family too, a very happy, healthy and lucky New Year of the Ox

Click this link to hear a happy wee song about Chinese New Year!


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