Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

What is growing in Winter – in the garden with Rong (We pronounce it Runi!)


Rong has been out in her garden and made some lovely discoveries.  Poking up through the frozen earth are some amazing plants. I? wonder if you have seen these growing anywhere?  Have a look – they are one of the ways that we know that Spring is on its way!


Discover What is Growing in Winter

It is cold and icy outside, but there are still plants growing. When you go out to take a walk with mummy and daddy, see if  you can see these plants in the park or gardens? Can you name them? They are very popular and some of them will bloom very soon!


These are snowdrops. They have got flower buds already although they are covered by frost.



These are bluebells. They bloom around April.



These are daffodils. There are hundreds of varieties



These are the picture taken in my garden. I like to see how fast they can grow so I put some
measures beside them and record their growth. You can do it too.


You can mark a piece of wood and put it into the soil beside the plant and check how fast it can grow.
Or you can tie a piece of wool or ribbon or even a rubber band on a stick to measure their growth. I used chopsticks.
Show everyone what you can see in the parks or gardens by sending us your photos. Let everyone know how fast your plants are growing too.

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