Robert Burns was born 262 years ago today. He died 225 years ago when he was 37. We remember him today for all the amazing Scottish poems and songs he wrote, which are still heard today all over the world. We celebrate his birthday with his favourite dinner – haggis and usually we have Burns Suppers – parties where people get together and say his poems and sing his songs. This year because of Covid, lots of Burns Suppers will be held on Zoom. Maybe your family are going to have a special haggis dinner tonight? If you do, why not sing Auld Lang Syne, or even a Scottish song like Three Craws, or Ally Bally Bee. Wear something tartan and have fun! If you take any photos of yourself or your family having a Burns Supper, ask mum or dad to upload them to your learning journal.

I don’t think Robert Burns would really have had a birthday cake like this- but its fun to think he might!
Here is a wee film about his life. Click the link to watch! Happy Burns’ Day everyone!
Here is a funny wee advert for wine gums to give you a laugh at some Scottish things and help you feel the Scottishness of the day! Look out for the dancing bagpipes!