Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Soggy Autumn news


Meet “Big Scary Bird”- our new plastic falcon. We are hoping he lives up to the name the children have chosen, and scares our pigeon population away!

Super Eric is a brilliant tree climber. Here he is, up in the canopy wiring Big Scary Bird onto a branch!



Pigeon Update

We are going to try a couple of the suggestions made, to try to discourage our local pigeons.  Our plastic falcon arrived this week and we enlisted the help of Superman Eric to help us put him up in one of the trees near the gate.  Fingers crossed he is scary enough.  We’re also going to hang up some old cd’s to reflect light and blow in the wind.




Halloween’s Coming!

This is the week before Halloween.  As our children’s ability to party has been severely curtailed by Covid this year, we thought it might be nice to make all of next week a dress-up week.  If your wee one decides to come in dressed up, we will take a photo of them for their learning journal and also create a Halloween Parade powerpoint, which you will be able to access from our blog on our nursery’s private Youtube channel.  This will give the children a chance to see all their friends from both the Daisy and Rainbow bubble – something we are all missing!  It is perfectly acceptable to dress up as yourself- so absolutely no pressure!  We are going to have some sanitised fork apple dooking and make some Halloween biscuits.  We have been learning some funny Halloween songs and rhymes and are having lots of fun with scary spiders and bats.

As the dark nights are coming in, it is a great time to discuss our feelings about the dark, and things that scare us.  It really helps to teach our children to think about how they feel.  Managing our feelings is much easier when we understand what they are.  We are creating a new Emotions board in the hall so we can register how we feel on a daily basis.


As the weather gets worse, we have decided to change the Rainbow entrance.  The garden entrance has become soggier and slippier as autumn progresses,  despite our best efforts.  So from Monday if dropping off at the Rainbow Room, please bring your child to the bottom of the ramp.  The children will come up the ramp and in the front door.  The ramp is out of bounds for parents, but a member of staff will be at the top of the ramp between 8am and 9am to let children in.  If you are dropping off or picking up and there is no one there, please just phone the nursery, wait at the end of the ramp and we will be there!

Autumn Walks

We are hoping to start autumn walks this week, but we are still missing quite a few EV3 forms – the forms that give parental permission to take children out into the local area.  We cannot take children out of nursery without them.  If you have not returned one, your child will not be able to go.  If you have lost your form, ask staff at drop off and we will get you another one to complete.  Many thanks!!

This week we are welcoming a new, wee recruit who has severe allergies.  Please can we ask that you are really careful that your child does not bring any sweets or snacks to nursery in their pockets.  We have to monitor everything edible in our environment very carefully now to ensure that our nursery is a very safe place for everyone.  Thanks for your co-operation with this.

Warm clothing please- even inside!

We have recently received new government guidelines on increasing ventilation and airflow in our building.  This involves windows and doors being kept open all the time, whatever the temperature outdoors.  Please could you ensure that your wee one is warmly dressed, preferably with a couple of layers under their jacket or coat, so that as temperatures fall we know that they are cosy.  Please, please, please – labels or names on all items of clothing that are sent in to nursery.  Even just a biro initial on the inside label will help us match up any lost items with their owner.


We are still here for parents!!

Although we cannot meet up in person, our nursery staff are available for a chat or advice.  If you have any concerns, anything you want to share with us, or any questions about your child’s progress please do not hesitate to phone us.  We can arrange time for your child’s keyworker to phone you back, or offer parenting support on a wide variety of topics from our trained Triple P (Positive Parenting Program) practitioners.











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