Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

We’re thinking about school today!


It seems very unnatural – usually by this time we have been preparing our pre-schoolers for the hop to Primary 1 for a whole term.  This year, like everything else, its all different.

Claire has found two excellent stories to read to you

The first is a story about starting school – what happens there and what to expect
The second one is a Charlie and Lola story in which  Charlie helps banish Lola’s concerns about starting school.

If you feel your wee one has worries about starting school or you would like a chat with us about this or any other issues, please remember that we are still here and always happy to chat.
All primary schools will be doing their very, very best to make their wee Primary 1’s feel welcome and happy to be there, when they open in August.  It will not be the experience that older brothers and sisters had, but it will still be exciting and positive.  Everyone in education is aware that lockdown will have had an effect on our children and we will be doing our very best to work within the safety guidelines and create a happy, nurturing, learning environment.

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