Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Maths ideas and appeal for decking


Good morning everyone- another lovely dry day- hope you are keeping safe and well and finding lots of fun things to do to fill your days.

Angela has sent me some great ideas for maths resources that can be made at home and that make practising numbers good fun.
We hope you might find some of these useful- some are aimed at our wee ones, just at the learning to count stage and others, for our more experienced mathematicians.  If your child has a very firm grasp of counting forwards and backwards from 0- try starting at another number i.e 6 and see if they can count backwards and forwards from there. Ask what number comes before, or after – this really helps children internalise the sequence of numbers.

Make it fun by making an active counting trail on the ground in chalk- you can change this daily and it makes learning active and interesting.
If you google “chalk pavement games” there are loads of good ideas to copy!

    Our stage area with blackboard!


    Eric has been busy making us a wee stage area in the garden. I was wondering if anyone had any spare decking planks they don’t need. It would be great to finish this wonderful build with a stage that would last for years. We had thought of using pallets but the wood is quite skelfy and likely to rot.  If you do have any decking planks, I would be happy to come and collect them- observing social distancing of course!  Many thanks!

    Wishing you a happy day! ❤️


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