Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Tadpoles, caterpillars and construction!


Our garden is very beautiful just now. There are flowers blooming, blossom on trees and the pond has lots of tadpoles.  When I took some out to try to video them for you, I noticed that we have both frog and newt tadpoles! This is quite exciting as newts are quite rare! The frog tadpoles are starting to have big round bodies and wiggly tails and the newts are longer and thinner with wiggly tails. Baby newts are called efts and baby frogs are called froglets.  Ours are still at the tadpole stage.  Have a wee look!


Lisa has sent me photos of her caterpillars.  They have become much bigger and this week they climbed to the top of their wee jar and have turned into  chrysalides. They do this by making a wee bag for themselves which they hang up and go inside. They are now in a stage where they are called pupae.

Still caterpillars- building their wee sleeping bags!

The pupae are now inside their wee bags.

Eric, our master builder and his apprentice, Émile, have been busy again this week taking their exercise in the garden! This week they are exercising their woodworking skills- building us a wee stage with a blackboard back- which we can use for role play, wee concerts and even for group lessons outside on the blackboard.  It is beginning to really take shape and is going to be a fantastic addition to our outdoor classroom! We can never thank Éric enough for the full time job he puts in for the benefit of our school and Nursery! His creative talents really know no bounds!

Here are 3 photos of the work in progress!

There is lots of space to grow climbing plants now.

Wooden rails make the area safer and tidier.

The blackboard is now in place, ready to paint.


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