Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

What a brilliant job you are doing!


Four weeks in and we are missing you all terribly.  Our staff team have been looking at, and discussing all the Home Learning posts that you, our wonderful parents, have been putting on to your children’s Learning Journals, and have to tell you how impressed we are with what every single one of you are doing.

The variety of learning happening in our community just now is truly amazing!  Lots and lots of brilliant physical activity- of utmost importance to our wee ones’ development- yoga sessions, PE sessions, walking, cycling, running, scooting and even rollerblading!  The fittest, healthiest parents, after this has all ended, are going to be the ones with little children!  At least this lockdown has happened at a time of year when the weather makes it easy to be in the garden or go for walks, and this spring seems particularly spectacular and beautiful.  Perhaps it is because we, and our children, have time to notice nature this year.

All our children are having very different experiences and this is great.  What is really important is that they are finding learning fun.  All children are physical learners – they need to do things to understand the “hows”, “whys” and “whats” in their world.  Our children are learning amazing things – from how to look after birds of prey, to how the galaxy works and stars were created, to riding a bike, to baking cakes, painting pictures, creating models and sculptures, role playing, finding out about fire engines, dancing, singing new songs, camping, gardening, trying science experiments and even learning about politics!  Our learning journals show all these things happening and more besides!!  All these interests reflect all the different wee personalities that we have in our nursery and also the amazing people we are going to have running our country in years to come.  This lockdown may actually give our community a generation of children who have had a unique experience of family-time, which builds self-esteem and confidence and forges real understanding of each other.

It is not, of course, always idyllic.  Many parents are juggling working at home, with supporting their children.  It is stressful and tiring and tempers can easily become frayed.  Being a parent is really tough and this is an extremely worrying time for many families for many serious reasons.  In the face of all this- we have to tell you that YOU are doing a brilliant job.  Do not worry if you do not have the time or energy to explore every aspect of the curriculum with your child.  There will be plenty of time for that when we return to school and nursery.  Don’t feel you have to “teach” them every day.  Involving them in household jobs, keeping them feeling safe, secure and very loved are the top priorities.  Take time to look after yourself too!  Much easier said than done at the moment – but still important!  Never feel alone – if you would like a chat or a Facetime with staff, just let us know.  We are still here for you and we’re not going anywhere soon!

Our suggestions and activities are completely optional.  Please do not feel any pressure. THANKS TO ALL OUR PARENTS AND CHILDREN FOR DOING SUCH AN AMAZING JOB AT STAYING SAFE AND LEARNING AT HOME!


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