Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

It’s Good Friday and we have Snappy Sounds!


Hope you are getting ready for a really special Easter weekend of fun with your family.  It’s really hard when you cannot get the whole family together for special celebrations.  Grannies and grandpas are missing wee ones so much and Easter is traditionally a real family time. I am using FaceTime and Zoom to see my grandchildren- it is lovely, but I am so looking forward to being able to cuddle them again! We are having Easter lunch with the whole family on Zoom this year wearing Compulsory Easter bonnets and bringing our home made Easter egg for a family competition! Lockdown has made us much more aware of Easter this year and also made us aware of how precious we are to one another.  I hope it is the same for your family and that you have an extra-special Easter!

It is Friday! In nursery, every second Friday, we have a visit from an amazingly talented lady called Susan Tighe.  Susan brings Mr Snappy, Daisy the Dinosaur and many other friends, along with percussion instruments and music,  and we have brilliant musical sessions, full of fun, activity and wonderful music.  Susan has a very long connection with our nursery- her children came to our nursery and for many years now, she has been our music specialist- a very important part of our team!!! This week she contacted me to say she could send me a video for the children.  It very appropriately arrived this morning-so it will be on the Facebook Page. I know our wee ones will love seeing her!

🐣🌈🐣All the members of our staff team would like to wish all our Nursery families a very happy Easter! Stay very safe and have lots of fun!!!! Sending out love to each and everyone!  🐣🌈🐣

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