Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Wintry Monday Morning News


Today we are posting our parcel to our French friends at Ecole Maternelle Sainte Therese in Val d’Oust in Brittany.  We are sending them some photos of our Scottish week – our Burns Supper snack, tartan, thistles, haggis etc and some nice shortbread.  Bon appetit nos amis!!!

This week we are going to be making pancakes on Pancake Tuesday.  Ishaq’s mum Fatma has given us an amazing recipe for fluffy blueberry pancakes, and we are also going to be trying to make pancakes with toppings too.

On Wednesday, another group of pre-schoolers are taking a trip on the train, in to Glasgow, to visit the Gallery of Modern Art for an arty workshop – exploring different media and investigating the gallery with the museum staff.  Afterwards they will be going to visit the statue of Robert Burns in George Square before coming home on the train again.  Fingers and toes crossed for a calm, dry day!!!

On a less happy topic, can we respectfully remind you to “Take a Peek Every Week”, at your little person’s scalp.  Some parents have told us that they have had to treat their children in the last couple of weeks.   Head lice just love to lay their eggs on the tender wee scalps of young children.  They can spread quickly in a nursery environment where children often put their heads together to play.  There are many ways to get rid of them and the chemist can give advice and provide a comb and liquid to apply to hair.  YouTube has lots of videos on what to look for and how to treat nits and lice.  If you are not sure what you are looking for, this is the first port of call.  Headlice do require constant vigilance.  If you find any, it is very important to keep looking, even after treatment.  If one egg is missed, it can hatch out and re-infect the scalp again fairly quickly.  At times when we know there are headlice around, it is really best to check every time you brush your child’s hair.  Tying up long hair can help, however the length of hair doesn’t deter head lice.  Boys can catch them as easily as girls.  Even thinking about headlice makes you feel instantly scratchy!!  Lets keep an eye out for the wee horrors and make them feel very unwelcome indeed!!!

Next Thursday – 5th March – is World Book Day.  We will be celebrating it in nursery with lots of wonderful stories throughout the day.  Dressing up as a character from a book is completely optional- many people just like to dress up as themselves.  If your child would like to bring in their favourite book to read with their friends, this would be wonderful.  Please just make sure their name is clearly written on it so we can return it at the end of the day.  We’ll be having some book related snacks and singing some book related songs!  We love World Book Day!!!


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