Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

A very fond farewell!


Maureen being mobbed for a farewell cuddle

The children had made Maureen a book with lots of reasons why they will miss her and what they liked about her. One wee person said, “I like her legs!”

A special memory tree from staff !

Maureen was made to sit on our special chair – usually reserved for birthdays – and we all sang “Happy Retirement to You!”

Mr Graham presented Maureen with a lovely bouquet from the school and wished her a very happy retirement.









Today we said a very special goodbye to a wonderful colleague and friend.  After 22 years at Milngavie Nursery, Maureen Kennedy is retiring.

Maureen is an amazing Early Years Practitioner.  She has fabulous energy and has always worked incredibly hard to create highly stimulating and interesting learning environments for our children. Maureen has the ability to involve a WOW factor in everything she does – from organising her play resources in imaginative and inviting ways, to her inspired PE gym lessons.

Maureen has really excelled as our champion of outdoor play.  She has amazing knowledge of the natural world and is one of the very few of us that can pick up frogs, newts and earthworms with her bare hands!  When it comes to spiders – she has absolutely no fear.  She encourages this positive attitude in our children too, teaching respect for our natural world by shining example.  Maureen is a Forest Kindergarten expert and has made our Barloch Moor forest adventures a very enjoyable and memorable experience for all the children whom she has accompanied there.  She has the amazing talent of making every day a special one, and every child feel just how much she cares.

Maureen’s extensive professional experience and her personality – including a great sense of humour have made her a valuable and much loved colleague.  She will be very sadly missed.  We wish all wish her, and her lovely husband Gerry a very happy and well deserved retirement.



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