Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Tea and Talk with Julie – Five to Thrive


Parents as Partners in Learning – Five to Thrive: the neuroscience behind healthy brain development!

At Milngavie ELCC we work in close partnership with East Dunbartonshire Council’s Education Service to provide staff with a range of quality professional learning opportunities. Early Years Practitioner Julie Bannerman recently attended a training seminar about the Five to Thrive approach.

“When we are born nearly all the cells of the brain are in place, however they are not working yet. The brain grows when connections are made between the cells – this happens in response to what is happening to us and our experiences of the world”.

Five to Thrive is an approach designed to enhance parents’, early years staff and other caregivers’ awareness of the central ingredients of healthy brain development in the early years of life. At the heart of the approach are 5 key activities – Respond, Cuddle, Relax, Play and Talk – described as the ‘building blocks for a healthy brain’.

At Julie’s next ‘Tea and Talk’ session she will share some of her learning from the course. If you would like to attend please speak to Julie or another member of nursery staff or simply come along to the session at 9:30 – 10:30 on Monday 25th November.

Julie also offers one-to-one parenting meetings to chat about any parenting issue. Julie uses Triple P tip sheets to give parents the best advice about promoting positive behaviour and other parenting topics such a toilet training, bedtime routine and following instructions. If you are interested in chatting with Julie please speak to her on a Monday, Tuesday or Wednesday to arrange a suitable date and time. There is also information available on our Parent Notice Board located in the nursery reception area.

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