Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Loose Parts Play – Can you help?


At Milngavie ELCC we are continuing to develop loose parts play to provide children with rich learning experiences in both our indoor and outdoor environments.  Research has shown that loose parts play contributes to children’s learning and development by sparking creativity, imagination and exploration. Loose parts are open-ended: children may use them in a number of ways. We have loved observing our children engaging with and enjoying the range of loose parts we currently have at the centre….and we would like to build on this success by sourcing more!

The sort of things we are looking for include – pots and pans, kitchen utensils (such as mashers, large spoons and sieves), baking trays (large and small), cardboard boxes, pallets, tyres (all types), shells, buttons, beads, pipes, wrapping paper, curtain rings, wooden clothes pegs, pieces of fabric (silk scarves, ribbons etc)… and many other bits and pieces – please speak to a staff member for more information.

If you are having a clear out and have anything on the above list to spare please let us know!

Thank you 🙂


Image source: Loose Parts Play Toolkit (Scottish Government, online)








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