This term we have new members of staff and lots of new children. Here are some staff pictures to help our new wee ones and our new parents learn who

Eileen Canning is our nursery’s Makaton Champion. She also is developing loose parts play- sourcing lots of interesting items for our children to investigate and extend their creativity with.

Pam Cameron – investigating the natural world. Pam is our Real Tools Champion and will be manning the workbench soon for some creative woodwork adventures.

Claire Dishon – our Eco Champion and promoter of Global Citizenship – loves a bit of recycling and enjoys the outdoor environment!
is who. More staff photos will be posted later this week!

Angela Philip, our Forest School champion!! Loving the great outdoors! Angela has been fully trained in delivering Forest Kindergarten and takes groups to Barloch Moor to explore wildlife on our doorstep, expand our knowledge about visiting wild spaces and foster a love of being outdoors!