Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Some Nursery News – October provision, Tea Towels and the dangers of bringing snacks from home.



If you need a place for your child at nursery over the October week, we have forms to apply for these in the Nursery.  Please just ask.  The places will be at Clober Nursery as our nursery is having work done in the children’s toilet area over the October week.  The form has to be returned directly to our nursery by Friday 13th September.  This is important as, if your application is after this date we may not be able to accommodate your request.  If you have any questions about the provision or the form, please don’t hesitate to ask our staff.



If you missed out on buying a Nursery Tea Towel before the end of term, the good news is that we still have a few left.  They cost £6 each.  If you would like one, please just ask any member of nursery staff.  The profits from these are going into our nursery funds.




Recently some of our little people have been nipping out to the cloakroom to have some snack brought from home, from their pockets and bags.  This year we have children with severe allergies in our nursery and have to be very careful with the foods available.  Fruit is available every day for our children for snack, with a drink of milk or water.  If children bring in their own snacks, there is a danger that other children might inadvertently eat them.  Please could you make sure your child does not bring any food into nursery.  Thank you for your co-operation with this.

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