Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Sports Day, BBQ and Boat Launch


We had a fantastic day on Friday – the weather was dry and warm and the children were wonderful.  Our sports events were both very well attended and the children really enjoyed the whole experience – they particularly loved watching their mums’ and dads’ taking part in the parents races.  Many thanks to all our spectators for coming along and making sports a real event!

After our afternoon sports we all made our way to the garden, where Georgia finally got to launch the good ship,” Fin”.  This was done in real style with a bottle of fizzy water to christen her bows!

I name this ship, “Fin”

Georgia and her pirate dad at the special launch party!







Our Big Summer Barbeque, arranged by Eric – Emile’s dad and very ably supported by Bruce – Hadley’s dad – was out of this world.

The food was utterly amazing – Eric had asked his suppliers for donations and had wonderful burgers and sausages, lovely smoked salmon, crayfish tail pasta salad, potato salad and  fabulous coleslaw.  Bruce brought gourmet cheeses, olives and absolutely amazing wagu-beef salami.  On the day, it was like the feeding of the five thousand!  Eric and Bruce worked tirelessly to cook all the delicious burgers and sausages and we enjoyed an amazing feast.  Eric had made all the salads and brought his barbeque and warming dishes to keep the food hot.  He made it look effortless but worked so hard to make it a really special event.

If you were one of the many people who wanted to give a donation to the nursery for the BBQ, we are going to put a box in the hall tomorrow.  Many thanks to everyone who already gave a donation.  Eric wants the money to go to the nursery fund. Many, many thanks.

Eric has already said that he would be willing to do another one for us next year-we think that would be just brilliant!

It was really nice to see all our nursery community together, enjoying our outdoor space and sharing really delicious food.  We are so lucky to have so many lovely families, who support us in many different ways, at Milngavie Early Learning Centre. We would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you to each and every one of you, for your support throughout this year. You make Milngavie a very special Nursery, providing experiences, resources and support for the children well over and above what we can provide as a staff.

Next week, our nursery building closes for the summer, but our staff and some of our children will be spending the summer at Clober Nursery.  We will be back again in August at the start of the new school year.  On behalf of all the staff, we would like to wish everyone a very happy summer, however you are spending it.







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