Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

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Headlice absolutely love little children’s tender wee scalps.  They are adept are moving from head to head in a nursery environment, where children play closely together.  They prefer lovely clean hair.  If your child catches them, it is absolutely no reflection on their cleanliness and there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of.   Please  have a wee check – head lice lay eggs at the roots of the hair, behind the ears or at the nape of the neck.

If you are not sure what you are looking for, have a look at youtube where there are lots of videos you can watch.   i.e:

It is easy to get rid of them, but we need to be very vigilant.  Long hair tied up helps and there are hair sprays which you can use which supposedly repel them.  If you find any, please keep checking every day for at least 2 weeks after treatment, to make sure their is no further infection.  Let’s make our nursery a beastie-free zone!!!

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