Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday Morning News – and Spring is here!!!!


The weather has got warmer over the weekend – we have been doing lots of planting so we are hoping the lovely sunshine will encourage our wee seedlings to grow.  With the sun, comes the need for sunscreen.  Please could you make sure your child comes to nursery with sunscreen on, or that you apply it when you drop them off.   We do keep spare sunscreen in nursery but will need your permission to use it,  as some children can be allergic to certain sunscreens.  A sunhat, with a name on it,would also be useful to keep in your child’s bag for sunny days.  Let’s hope we get lots of use out of them!

Our nursery lending library has been re-stocked with lots of new and interesting books.  Please feel free to borrow them.  Just pop your child’s name and the book they have borrowed into the folder, to help us keep track of what has been borrowed.  






Our boat launch is planned for Wednesday 5th June, at 11.10am.  We were thinking that we might be fun to make it a really special event , by holding a teddy bear’s picnic afterwards, where you are welcome to come along with your picnic lunch and have it in the garden.  We’ve got special teddy bear events planned and some fun and games to take part in.  If your child does not normally attend on a Wednesday, or if they attend in the afternoon, you are still welcome to join us for the party.

We have been looking at fund raising activities for nursery funds and have found a really nice tea towel idea.  Every child in the nursery draws themselves and their drawings are transferred onto good quality, linen tea towels for us to sell to parents, grandparents etc.  The cost of these would be £6 each.  Before we go ahead with this, we would really welcome your opinions about whether you would buy one or not.  This would give us an idea of how many we should order.  We’ll put out a Yes/No form in the nursery hall and would be really grateful if you would tick it for us.  We will only go ahead with this if we get enough orders.  Many thanks!

Here is the sample towel – our pictures would be bigger as there are less children in the nursery than in the school on the sample.

This week in nursery we are very busy looking at lifecycles.  We have been watching our frog spawn develop and our tadpoles have back legs!  We also found 3 little froglets – maybe last years tadpoles grown up – under a log in the garden.  There has also been great interest in caterpillars – Flynn found a big green caterpillar in the garden and we followed this up by reading Eric Carle’s book – The Hungry Caterpillar.  The children have really enjoyed making a big caterpillar for the wall and discussing all the different foods he devoured in the course of the story.  They even made a cocoon out of papier mache, which is taking a very long time to dry!!!!  We have been making symmetrical butterflies and looking for real butterflies in the garden and orchard.  We have ordered some tiny caterpillars which we can watch growing into Painted Lady Butterflies in nursery, and then release into our butterfly garden in the orchard.

We made a very hungry caterpillar for our snack area




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