Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

News update- dates for the diary!


Swimming with joy at the choice of their new names!

We had some brilliant suggestions for our goldfish names and it was incredibly hard to choose.  We tried to amalgamate some of them to make two very memorable and grand, fishy names.

These are:





Our fish seem really pleased with their new names.  Many, many thanks for all your great suggestions.


Dates for the diary

School Induction afternoons

Our Primary 1 induction days are Tuesday 4th June and Tuesday 11th June – 1.15-2.30pm.  On the 4th, parents are invited to a talk by Infant School staff in the Infant Gym Hall, while the children visit their classroom and new teacher.  On 11th June, the children have a second visit to their classroom and parents are invited to have a cup of tea or coffee in the School Bistro, courtesy of the PTA.  You should receive a letter with details of both days and a lunch event over the next few days.  Please let us know if you do not receive one.

Our Nursery Graduation is on Thursday 13th June at 11am.  This is for both morning and afternoon children. It will be held in the upper school hall this year, so there will be more room for mummies, daddies, siblings, grannies, grandpas, aunties etc.  It lasts approximately 40- 45 minutes and is a lovely wee celebration of happy times we have shared at Milngavie ELC.

Our Parents’ Evening will be held on 22nd May, between 5pm and 8.00 pm.  An appointment sheet will be put in the Nursery hall to sign up for a time where you are welcome to come and have a chat with your child’s keyworker.  This will be available from Tuesday.  If you are not able to make the Parents’ Evening and would like another appointment, please speak to Caroline who will arrange an alternative date and time for you.

Nursery Sports is scheduled for  June – date still to be confirmed- so there is plenty of time to train for the Parent’s race!!    Our wee ones will be put through their sporting paces and spectators are very welcome.  We are not sure of the venue for this yet – we may have a new school pitch, but are not sure when work will start on this.  Watch this space.

The launch of our fabulous playboat – the Good Ship Fin- will take place in the garden on Wednesday 5th June at 11.10am.  Our special guest, in charge of the launch, is our lovely Georgia, whose name – Fin – was the one chosen out of the hat.  We are having a wee launch party with refreshments to celebrate Fin’s launch.  If you would like to join us for the celebrations, we are starting the party at 11.10am.  Fingers and toes crossed for a lovely sunny day!

Thanks to everyone who came to the polytunnel to plant a special sunflower.  We are hoping to watch our little seeds sprout and grow into big, impressive flowers and learn about the way  plants develop.  We still have pots, compost and seeds – so if you still would like to do this, please just ask any member of staff.






































































































































































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