Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Weekly news- our batteries are recharged and we are ready for a great week in Nursery!


We’ve had a beautiful Easter Weekend break and are feeling happy to be back in nursery, with lots of news of Easter bunnies, egg hunts and easter picnics!!

We have changed our registration routine, introducing new signing in sheets for parents to record who is coming to pick up their child- we are asking you to sign in and sign out to make sure we know exactly who is in the building and who has gone home.  The sheets are on the book shelf in the hall in the colours of the groups.   Many thanks for your co-operation with this.

We have recently welcomed new children to nursery and feel this is a good time to talk about how we keep safe in our nursery.  This week we will discuss all the areas of the nursery with the children and talk about how we can learn and have fun safely.  This is part of Health and Wellbeing in our Early Level Curriculum.

On Wednesday our pre-school children will be visiting Primary 1 for the introduction to our Joint Active Learning Project.  We are going to be explorers and tomorrow we will find out where we will be exploring and what sort of things we will be learning together.

On Friday our 2 Forest School groups are off to Barloch Moor for some Forest Kindergarten fun.  We are really hoping this wonderful weather will continue till Friday!

Please could we have some suggestions for names for our poor, wee, un-named fish.  We are hoping to pick the names this Friday but haven’t had any suggestions yet.  If you could ask your child for a couple of names and then leave them as a comment on our Facebook, Blog or Twitter we would be eternally grateful!!!!!!




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