Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday morning news


Our garden has had a major amount of work done this weekend, by lovely volunteers who turned up yesterday and worked through rain showers, high winds and fortunately for us, periods of lovely sunshine.  Everyone worked really  hard, including Emile and Fraser – our wee nursery superstars!  The rotted wood on the boardwalk was taken out and replaced and Eric had to lie on his back underneath it to attach new supports!! What a man!  We made a really good clearance of rubbish from the garden and our volunteers worked really hard to move 4 tons of gravel into our raised beds!  There was also work done in the orchard to surround our blueberry patch with a wooden surround.  Many, many thanks to everyone who came along and helped – it is an enormous project and we really appreciate the commitment of all our volunteers.  Our outdoor area is an incredible asset to our school, and it is only with the help of all the volunteers that we can maintain such a huge area.

This week is a busy one- we are preparing for our big tea party on Friday.  If you would like to come along there are still spaces, both morning and afternoon.

On Wednesday we are having Tennis Taster sessions from James Thow – 11-11.30 in the morning and 1.50 -2.20 in the afternoon.  Our BA students are back with us for another serial day.

On Thursday Heather and Evelyn from Milngavie in Bloom, are visiting us in the afternoon to give us advice on planting in our polytunnel.  Eric has been busy putting in seeds for the children to plant out after the Easter Break, and we have been given lots of half hardy annual, flower seeds which need started off in a green house, so we will be finding out what to do with these!

We will be making our preparations for our tea room on Thursday and doing a bit of decorating and flower arranging!

On Friday our special Tea Room will be open for business.  We are not asking for payment for teas and coffees, but if you would like to give a donation – all money will go towards nursery funds and buying outdoor equipment to use in the garden and orchard.  Many, many thanks to Clare and everyone who has volunteered to bake or help on the day.  We are really looking forward to it.

Friday is the last day of the school term, and the beginning of holidays for some of our children.  This year, for the first time, our nursery will be open, and some of our children will be attending right through.   Some of our staff  will be working  too- Julie, Eileen, Claire, Maureen, Pam, Angela and our new Depute Head of Centre – Caroline McMenemy will all be on duty at some point.









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