Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

A Very Fond Farewell to two of our staff members- expect tears!!


Friday is the last day at Milngavie ELCC for two of our staff members who are heading to other nurseries.

Valerie, who has worked at Milngavie since 2005, as Senior Early Years Worker and then Team Leader is going to Castlehill Nursery.  Valerie has been a highly valued member of our team, and a good friend to all of us- she will be sadly missed.  Her great sense of humour, her extensive knowledge of early years and her genuine relationships with our children and parents are our loss and Castlehill’s gain! They are lucky to be getting such a wonderful lady!  We have shared lots of happy and sad times together, over the years and had many a good laugh!  Her gin pouring skills are legendary,  and we all refer to a Fisken measure, meaning something definitely more than a double!!! We really hope that Valerie will enjoy her new post- we are all going to miss her very much!

Elisabeth, our Early Years Support Worker is also off to pastures new! She has a full time job as an Early Years Worker at Clober ELCC. Elisabeth has been part of our staff team for 4 years and has brought her wonderful artistic touch to sensory play within our nursery. She is a real entrepreneur and she ran a jam making project with the children, making jam in nursery with brambles and apples collected by the children, then selling it at the Xmas Fayre to boost nursery funds. She also makes fabulous cakes and runs her own Etsy jewellery shop, as well as being a mum of 4!  We would all like to wish her all the very best in her new post – she too, will be an asset to her new nursery and she will also be missed. Good luck Elisabeth!

I sense an emotionally charged day on Friday!!!!

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