Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday Morning News


We are all ready for another fun filled week in nursery!  Our new focus of study is Numeracy and we are starting by counting – learning to recite the sequence of numbers and also counting physical objects.  We have lots of fun activities which help us practise  and extend these skills in every area of the curriculum.  Later on we will be working on recognising the number symbols, but initially our focus is on counting physical objects so children have a solid understanding of what numbers are used for, and mean.   It would be great if you could practise counting at home too- asking your wee one to find a number of objects is a good way to gauge your child’s understanding of counting.  Children are often quite skilled at reciting the numbers and even recognising the symbols, but don’t make the connection between the abstract and the physical, so can’t count accurately.  Happy counting!

On Monday we our pre-school children have another session with the SFA Football coach in the gym.

On Wednesday morning Green and Yellow Groups will be going to the gym.  Our afternoon children will also be going to gym.

Last Friday, due to Susan coming for an extra session last week, we missed our PAThS session, so this will happen this Friday.  Twiggle is going to help us explore our different feelings, and help us begin to develop strategies to manage them- in a fun and child-friendly way!

If you have any good ideas for counting games or know great number songs you could share with us, we would be very grateful for your input in our planning.

We would love to receive reviews of our Chatterboxes, Story Bags and Weekend Pet Bags, so if your child has had one of these we would love to  hear what you think.  My email address is  We will put these in our Language and Communication Friendly Environment Evidence folder.  Many thanks!

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