Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Can you help us solve our cloakroom storage problems?


We are looking for some advice on how we might organise our cloakroom more efficiently.  At present our children have a shoe bag, a box under their peg for wellies and outdoor shoes. and a coat hook, which due to our numbers is often shared with another child.  This makes for cloakroom chaos and not a nursery day passes without something going missing.

We have tried storing wellies in group boxes – we have been considering wellington boot racks – but we seem to be short of wall space to put them on.  As wellies are an essential part of our outdoor wear, it would make everyone’s life much easier if these were stored where the children could access them independently and also put them away themselves.

If you have any ideas about how we can improve things- we would love to hear them!  A total re-think is needed!

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