Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Happy New Year! We’re back!!!!


All our nursery staff would like to wish everyone in our Nursery community a very Happy, Healthy and Prosperous 2019, and to say a huge thank you for the incredible kindness we were shown at Christmas.  We very much appreciate all the lovely gifts we received and are all a lot heavier and happier as a result of them!!  For some of us, the big diet starts today!

This week we are catching up with all the children’s Christmas news and talking about things we would like to do this year i.e. making a few resolutions!  On Wednesday the Yellow and Green morning groups will be going to the gym and our afternoon sessional children.  On Friday we are continuing our PAThS program with a wee lesson on compliments and choosing our PAThS Wee Person for the following week – to be a special Nursery helper and help their keyworker at group time.  Over the course of the year all our children will have a turn of this.  It is designed to promote good self esteem and responsibility.  The best bit, for the children, is getting to wear the helper’s badge all week!

Primary 1 enrollment week starts on Monday 14th January.  If your child is due to start school in August, you need to register them at the school for your catchment area.  If you live outside our catchment area and would like your child to come to Milngavie, it is possible to put in a placement request- just mention this when you register at your catchment school.  If your child is deferring entry in August, you still need to visit your catchment school to register and then to fill in a deferral form.  The list of appointments for registration is on the door in the nursery hall – if your catchment school is Milngavie, please make sure you sign up for an appointment.

As always, we are looking for donations of junk for our modelling table and would be very grateful if you could recycle your boxes, tubes, cartons etc with us.  You may well get them back again as a beautiful, artistic creation- a lovely present for grandparents!!!!!!

Our next Parent’s Nursery Focus Group is on Monday 21st January at 10am in the Nursery Office.  Please come along and have a cup of tea or coffee and share your opinions on the recent changes we have made in nursery and what more we can do to make our nursery the best possible experience for both children and parents.

2019 is a big year for Milngavie Nursery.  From April onwards, most of our staff are moving from term-time to 52 week contracts in preparation for the increase in funded nursery hours in 2020.  Change can be a bit daunting, but we are determined to make the very best of it.  Working in a nursery is a very special job and we all love the special relationships we build with children and families – this is not going to change!


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