Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Happy Monday – its the beginning of another exciting week in nursery!


Today Angela has provided materials for making rockets, in the art area.  We have been talking about the noise that fireworks make and how it upsets pets (and sometimes wee people too!).  Carrie has been telling us about a “quiet fireworks display” which is dog friendly.  We also will be watching a CBeebies video on Diwali, to show the children how and why it is celebrated.

On Tuesday, Lynn and Eileen are out of nursery on special training.

On Wednesday we are celebrating the Hindu and Sikh festival of Diwali- a festival of light.  We will be having a special snack and decorating the nursery with diwali diya lights and rangoli patterns.

This week we are also raising the children’s awareness of the importance of good hand hygiene after visiting the toilet.  We are putting up a pictorial visual of what we do to wash our hands properly, and talking about what germs are, and how they can make us ill.  We are also displaying signs in the loos to remind our wee people to FLUSH!  This relates to our Health and Wellbeing learning outcome –

  • I am becoming aware of how cleanliness, hygiene and safety can affect health and wellbeing and I apply this knowledge in my everyday routines such as taking care of my teeth. HWB 0-33a

On Friday we are looking forward to seeing Susan, Mr Snappy and all the instruments for another great musical experience.  The forest kindergarten groups will also be taking to the woods- fingers crossed for a lovely day!

Last Friday, our students – Seonaid and Siobhan- looked at fireworks with the children.  We did not have real fireworks on the premises but we watched some fireworks displays on the big screen and learned a song called “Five Fat Fireworks” from the Sticky Kids “Rattle, rattle, shake, shake” CD.  Siobhan then got out the paints, and encouraged the children to make firework splatter paintings on black paper, and Seonaid helped them make 3d rockets using cylinders.  Great work everyone.

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