Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Parents’ Forum- could you help us by giving your opinions?


We are hoping to start a regular monthly Parents’ Forum group, where parents are invited to give their opinions on how we manage aspects of our nursery.  We are very keen to ask parents their views on the changes we are making for our Language and Communication Friendly Nursery accreditation.  Our first meeting will be on Monday 5th November at 10am in the Nursery Office.  If you are free, we would be delighted to make you a cup of coffee or tea and hear what you think.  Parents views are always important to us and organising a time to talk can be tricky.  If there is something you would like to tell us and can’t make the meeting there are suggestion/comment slips you can fill in and put in our suggestion box, or speak to Kate.  If you feel that you would be more able to attend if meetings were held in the evening, this is something we can talk about.  In previous years we have alternated morning and afternoon meetings but I am quite willing to include evenings if parents felt this would be better.  There is absolutely no pressure to attend all the meetings, we would just love to hear what you think and share your ideas on how we can ensure our nursery is the best possible experience for our children.

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