Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Monday Morning News-it’s a 4 day week!


Its a miserable, wet Monday but Maureen, who is on outdoor play this week, is our Outdoor Champion and last week, attended a course on Outdoor Play is taking groups of children out to explore the wonders of wet!  One of our lovely students, Katie – has responded to the children’ s interest in hedgehogs – by creating a hedgehog feeding station for the children to put beside the hedgehog house, in the hope of attracting some of our spikey wee friends.  The children will check it every day to see if the catfood,  (which hedgehogs seemingly love,) has been eaten.  Maureen really enjoyed her course and has come back with an Outdoor Play Audit Tool for us to use to see how well we use our fantastic outdoor learning environment.  We are being encouraged  see wet weather as a fabulous, sensory learning experience- a good plan when you live in the very wet West of Scotland.

You should have been given a brown paper envelope containing a form for your child to design their own Christmas Artwork which can be printed onto Christmas Cards, Gift tags or mugs.  This can either be done online, using the address and details in the envelope.  Alternatively, your child can design their artwork and you can return it to Nursery in the big brown envelope ASAP!  It has to be back with us by 26th October as this is the very latest that we can return it to the company for printing.  The nursery will receive a donation for every order the company receives.  The feedback in previous years has been very positive, but please, feel no pressure to take part in this – it is very much an optional activity.

This week we are looking at a book called Stanley’s Stick by John Hegley.  Our words of the week from this book are WONKY and TIDE.  We have a new lightbox display in the hall to remind us of our words of the week.

Thursday night is our Parent’s evening  – if you would like an appointment, please sign up in the nursery hall.  As this is our first parents night of the year, the emphasis is on how our  children have settled in.  We would love to hear about your opinion of your child’s learning journal and the things we have been learning so far this year.

Nursery is closed on Friday for an In-Service Day – Staff have a packed schedule of training for the day.    We are then on holiday for our October Week break, returning again on Monday 22nd October.  We are really hoping for some beautiful, crisp,  Autumn weather and would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday week.


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