Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Happy Monday!


We are starting our first full week back and have welcomed most of our new children and families.  Everyone has settled really well and we are really impressed with the independence of all our new wee personalities.  We are going to start our regular grouptime this week to give the children a chance to really get to know their keyworker.  We are going to think about what we want our nursery rules to be – we need to keep everyone safe and happy and keep our nursery environment a pleasant place to be.  If we make the rules up together, it makes them much easier to remember- for staff too!!!!!

On Friday, we had a visit from our Music Specialist – Susan Tighe – with her wonderful Snappy Sounds musical workshop.  She brings a variety of instruments and lots of cuddly friends with her,and she completely involves the children in active, fun songs while teaching all the basics of music, including musical terms and instruments in the orchestra.  She also introduces exciting pieces of music to interact with and gives the children a really wonderful musical experience.  Our wonderful PTA fund our music sessions and we are really grateful for this highly valuable addition to our curriculum.

If you are interested in  joining our PTA check out their facebook page.  They do an absolutely fantastic job, organising fabulous events, fundraising and supporting our school and nursery throughout the year.

Junk Appeal

Please could we have some of your recycling, for our Junk Modelling box.  We love plastic boxes, cardboard boxes, kitchen roll tubes, yogurt pots, shoe boxes etc etc etc.  Be warned though – you may get some of it back again as part of a fabulous creation!

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