Milngavie Early Years Centre

news for parents

Yo Ho Ho !- Our Pirate Adventure has begun!


Wednesday has become Pirate Day in Nursery for our Pre-school children.  They are working on an Active learning project with the 2 current Primary 1 Classes and the theme this year is Pirates.

Yesterday we set the scene for the children.  We are four pirate crews whose ships have all sunk in a storm and we are marooned on a desert island (our orchard and garden).  We thought a lot about how we might live on an island without running water and electricity and had in depth discussions about how we would go to the toilet and where we might sleep.  Over the next 4 weeks we are going to try 4 different activities – a maths/technology one – using beebots to navigate round a treasure island and reach the treasure- a literacy/expressive arts one- making up and performing our own pirate stories- a problem solving one – making a shelter out of materials we find in the orchard and raising the pirate flag with ropes and pulleys, and a delicious Healthy one – finding fruits hidden round the garden to make fabulous fruity kebabs.

Nursery and Primary children work together in their teams and get to know, or meet up again with, each other.

This week we met our crew mates and wrote and signed the Pirates Code – the rules we will abide by every Wednesday.  The children had great ideas and it was really lovely to see the wonderful handwriting and reading skills the children learn in Primary 1 coming to the fore.  Everyone was really excited – we decided that if we had any pirate hats or eyepatches etc, that we could wear them on a Wednesday to make the day even more piratey.

Here are the fantastic Pirate Codes written by both morning and afternoon crews – aren’t they brilliant?

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